
Whole fish can be supercooled

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The project is complete Super-chilled whole fish - for freezing to death which was funded by the AVS Fisheries Research Fund R 062-11 but the project was carried out in collaboration with Matís, Skagan and Rekstrarfélag Eskja.

The project has resulted in increased knowledge of supercooling of white fish, in particular supercooling of whole fish, and the effect of supercooling on quality, freshness and shelf life. The results of experiments are now available, which will be used to design a supercooler for whole fish, but so far Skagan's CBC technology has mainly been used to supercool fillets. Shelf life test performed in the project and storage forecast models indicate that supercooling at -1 ° C can increase the shelf life of whole fish by 2–3 days and the shelf life of fillets by 1 day based on 6 days old raw material during processing. Thus, it must be considered probable that the project's products will be used by fresh fish producers to maximize the quality and safety of their products. By applying supercooling to fish processing, it is possible to put cold products in packaging, which means that fresh fish fillets can be transported to a more distant market than before, while the heat load in transport is minimized.

More detailed results from the project's experiments can be found in Matís reports Super-chilled whole fish - Final Report, Matís report number 12-13 and Effects of supercooling on spoilage processes and shelf life of whole fish and fillets Matís report number 22-12.

For further information Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, Head of Resources and Products.