
Matís Consumer Bank

Service Category:


Matís Consumer Bank is a group of consumers that participates in Matís consumer surveys. By expressing their views in Matís research, participants can influence the development of food in Iceland.

Participants' contributions may include answering a survey online or by telephone, participating in discussion groups or tastings, and giving their opinions on various products.

Matís places great emphasis on confidentiality and secure handling of personal information. All information that Matís receives about individuals is stored securely and handled according to the law on privacy. When presenting data, care is taken that it is not possible to trace answers to individuals.

Matís never provides third party information about respondents in the surveys without their consent.

  • Buyers of surveys, such as companies that use Matís 'services, never get access to individuals' answers.
  • Matís employees who have access to personal information have a duty to respect the confidentiality of respondents.
  • Survey participants are always free to refuse to answer a survey.
  • Participants in Matís Neytendabankinn have the opportunity to win prizes for their participation.

Are you interested? Then sign up Matís Consumer Bank.