
Dating on quality issues in the fisheries sector

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Sigurjón Arason, professor and chief engineer of Matís together with Arnljótur Bjarki Bergson, invite those interested in the fishing industry in Bolungarvík to a meeting in the Olís store in Bolungarvík at 10:00 on Wednesday 13 November.

The small boat fleet is important for the Icelandic fishing industry and returned a catch value of over ISK 22 billion last year, with cod worth around 70%. Proximity to the fishing grounds has strengthened the position of the Westfjords in small boat fishing, but the success of day rowing boats, especially at Ísafjarðardjúp, has been an adventure in itself. A strong cod stock in the future will further strengthen this fishery as well as value creation in the Westfjords and thus the income and quality of life of the population. Here, as always, you need to work hard to produce quality products.

In order to maintain the advantage of the West Fjords, research and development of the production must not be slackened in order to serve customers in the best possible way in the future. There is still an opportunity to improve the handling of fish coming from small boats with improved bleeding, cooling and hygiene. Hooked fish has become a demand in many markets, which gives this production a market advantage. With boats that land daily, it is possible to have perfect control over freshness in processing and proximity to the fishing grounds here in the Westfjords, ensuring a constant supply for production and safe delivery to customers. Environmental issues and origins from a fishing village as well as sustainable fishing will be of great importance in the marketing of marine products in the future.