
Fish today!

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Matís is launching a national campaign called Fishing day and is intended to make consumers more aware of the importance of fish consumption and fish-related products such as fish oil and other seafood. The aim of the campaign is to increase Icelanders' fish consumption, but the campaign is funded by the AVS fund.

Many are involved in this positive effort. There will be several 5-minute interludes on RÚV, where myths about seafood will be addressed and we will also prepare study material for primary and secondary schools on seafood handling, nutrition and cooking. The biggest factor, however, is in the form of an advertising campaign where the unique characteristics of each type of seafood are hammered out and consumers are encouraged to have fish in their food at least twice a week and of course to take fish oil.

The Fish Today campaign will formally begin this weekend and the opening ceremony will be held in Smáralind on Saturday 28 September between 12: 00-16: 00.

… And when the kids ask: "what's for dinner?", The answer is of course: "we are going to have Fish Day"!