
Matís with another course in Africa

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In mid-August, Matís held a six-day course in Kenya on the production and quality of fish and fish products. The course was held at a government school in Kwale County, just south of the Indian Ocean city of Mombasa.

Thirty future coaches attended the course, which was funded by the United Nations Fisheries Academy and the World Bank. Participants were generally satisfied with the course and especially with a practical exercise where "Sigurjóns kofinn" was used to smoke fish. Participants had never tasted such a quality product before and it can be said that the food was served healthily.

In recent years, Matís has held courses in countries bordering Lake Victoria, with an emphasis on freshwater fish. The course in Kenya's Kwale County is therefore the first course in East Africa that deals specifically with sea fish. This is expected to continue in the near future.

For further information Margeir Gissurarson at Matís.