
Will food shortages lead to conflict?

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Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, was interviewed on Morgunútvarpið on Tuesday 9 July. In it, he spoke about the problems facing the world in terms of food production and food security today and in the near future.

In the episode, Sveinn discusses whether technological development will solve the problems facing food production due to population growth and a contraction in food production. However, research indicates that the increase in food production is slowing down and the natural tolerance limits of the soil have been reached. Sveinn points out, however, that there are still considerable possibilities in the utilization of the sea and marine products. But Icelanders have been a leader in research and development of fish processing.

He points out that the next major EU research program "Horizon" 2020 aims to tackle issues such as food security and the handling of bio-raw materials. Iceland is a participant in this project and some of Matís' projects are currently related to this research program.  

"Food, food prices and food production will continue to be a major issue that really needs to be considered. As the war of the past was to some extent about oil and access to those resources, I do not think it unlikely that future disputes will to some extent revolve around access to land, sea areas and possible technology that will help us with food production. In this big context, we must not forget that many of the major revolutions in history have taken place when food prices have risen or when there has been a shortage of food, the French Revolution is just a good example. "

You can listen to the whole interview on RÚV website.