
3X and VaxVest in collaboration

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3X Technology in Ísafjörður and the Westfjords Growth Agreement have signed an agreement to support testing of new equipment that the company is developing, FILTREX water purification equipment. The project is carried out in collaboration with Matís and Kampa's shrimp processing.

There are high expectations for this new equipment, which will be sold as a supplement to the main product of 3X Technology, ROTEX, which is used for cooling and thawing in food processing. ROTEX equipment requires a lot of water during use, but with FILTREX equipment it will be possible to use the same water for at least two days in non-stop processing as well as capturing valuable substances from the water, such as protein. 

FILTREX equipment will also be sold as an independent equipment for purifying waste water from food processing, before it is returned to the environment. Great and increased environmental demands are made all over the world to return treated wastewater to nature, and therefore the company has high hopes for the demand for this new technology. Matís has the knowledge to work on such projects and Kampi proposes its shrimp processing to test and develop new equipment. 3X Technology has applied for a grant from the Technology Development Fund for the development of the equipment and hopes for a positive response in the spring.

3X Technology has extensive experience in the design and construction of equipment and has contributed around 5% of turnover in R & Þ in recent years. The company's success is based on innovation and sales of unique solutions for the demanding market in equipment for food production. The FILTREX equipment will improve the competitive position of 3X Technology in the market for thawing bleeding and refrigeration equipment for food production. The company has achieved great success in the production of such equipment for the production of farmed fish and FILTREX will further improve that position in the future. Today, sales of ROTEX equipment are around 10 to 15 systems per year on the world market, but increased sales can be expected with FILTREX equipment, to areas where water is limited and / or high demands are made on environmental protection. There are increasing demands from the market for green solutions that products be manufactured with environmental protection in mind.

The news first appeared on the website of Bæjarinn besta in Ísafjörður,, 16 May sl.