
What can organic matter do for us?

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On the 15th of May, Ásta María Einarsdóttir, master's student in food science and Sigrún Mjöll Halldórsdóttir, doctoral student in food science, will give lectures on research and development of food substances from food.

Kl. 15:00 - 15:30
Ásta María Einarsdóttir gives a talk on Fucoidan from brown algae 

Kl. 15: 30-16: 00
Sigrún Mjöll Halldórsdóttir gives a talk on the biomedical use of cod trypsin 

Ásta María will discuss the topic fucoidan which is a polysaccharide from the cell walls of brown algae that has shown diverse bioactivity in recent studies. The lecture will review the results of a new review article where the main studies on the bioactivity of fucoidan are presented (Vo TS and Kim SK (2013). "Fucoidans as a natural bioactive ingredient for functional foods." Journal of Functional Foods 5 (1): 16-27). The effects of fucoidan on blood clotting factors, the effects of fucoidan on viruses, tumors and inflammation as well as the antioxidant activity of fucoidan will be discussed.

Sigrún Mjöll talks about cod trypsin and its uses in biomedicine. The lecture will discuss the cod enzymes based on a new review article (Gudmundsdottir A, Hilmarsson H and Stefansson B (2013). "Review Article - Potential Use of Atlantic Cod Trypsin in Biomedicine".  BioMed Research International, published online Studies show that cod trypsin has a variety of effects, for example against various viruses, skin problems and wounds. Cod trypsin is isolated from by-products in fish processing and its processing promotes the full utilization of cod. There are already various products on the market that contain cod enzymes under the name Penzyme®. 

The lectures will be held in Matís' premises at Vínlandsleið 12, on the top floor of hall 311 (Esja) from 3 pm to 4 pm, on Wednesday 15 May (fuciodan at 3 pm and cod trypsin at 3:30 pm).

Everyone welcome!