
Value creation is the key word - It is important that knowledge becomes a product and values

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At Matís, emphasis is placed on utilization and market thinking in all projects and activities of the company, because the rapid dissemination and utilization of knowledge is no less important than the basic research itself when it comes to products on the market.

Matís has great opportunities to implement and market the results of research and development projects, which leads to increased value creation for the Icelandic industries and to prosperity for the public in Iceland.

Value creation is therefore a key word in all of Matís' work, whether it is in collaboration with parties in Iceland or abroad. Here you can see a few examples of projects that Matís has had a role to play and have already returned value to the parties involved in the projects, whether looking at Matís as a company, its employees, customers or owners, ie. of the Icelandic state.