
Matís manages a foreign collaborative project on reduced salt consumption in food processing

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TASTE is a project organized by a group of European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the food and seaweed industry with the aim of finding solutions on how to reduce the use of salt in food production through the use of seaweed.

The main goal of the project is to develop flavors from three types of brown algae (Ascophyllum nodosum, Saccharina latissima and Fucus vesiculosus) with the aim of replacing sodium in foods but many foods contain high levels of salt.

The development of new methods and technologies to reduce salt consumption is an important issue for the food industry. Many nations are struggling with excessive salt consumption, even though the situation has improved in recent decades. The World Health Organization (WHO) issues recommendations that total salt consumption is less than Article 5. per day but this corresponds to Art. of sodium. It can therefore be said that the food industry is facing a major challenge to reduce the amount of salt used in production.

Efforts have been made to replace salt with a mixture of minerals, natural salts and more. Consumable marine algae contain substances that may be useful. They usually contain large amounts of flavorings, minerals as well as salt, but to a lesser extent.

For further information Rósa Jónsdóttir, director of Matís, but you can also find information about the project here (in English).