
Enormous interest in kelp pasta from Icelandic barley

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Rannís Science Week 2012 was held on Friday 28 September. A large number of people attended the science vigil and it is safe to say that never before, but right now, have more people visited Matís' booth.

Icelandic seaweed and Icelandic seaweed was Matís 'theme this time and Matís' stall was decorated in that spirit. There are great opportunities in the kelp and seaweed and it can be expected that in the very next few years there will be many foods that contain both in one form or another. 

At Vísindavökun, seaweed pasta made from Icelandic barley was introduced and people were allowed to taste it. The demand for this new product was incredible and we had to look for containers in Háskólabíó so that people could taste it. The interest was so great that the 200 containers that originally belonged to the whole evening were finished in the first hour.

The skin creams from UNA Skincare were also introduced, but the UNA Skincare line is on all products and sales of this bioactive face cream are very successful (

Then, of course, the kelp skyr was introduced, but now the skyr is about to hit the market.

For further information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís.