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Collaboration between Matís and the Iceland Academy of the Arts, Meeting of designers and farmers, one of the 8 best pieces at HönnunarMars 2012.

Lilja Gunnarsdóttir, editor of the Icelandic Design Center, chose the best and most delicious crumbs from the Design March 2012 program and she considered Dating with Farmers one of the best crumbs this year.

Matís is a participant in DesignMarch 2012. On the one hand, Matís is involved in the project Dating with Farmers, which is a project led by the Iceland Academy of the Arts whose goal was to bring together two very different groups; designers on the one hand and farmers on the other. Matís was an important partner when it came to creating consumer-friendly products from raw materials, often underutilized, which farmers have in hand. 

"Farmers 'and designers' meeting" is an entrepreneurial project for the benefit of the business community where two professions are brought together to create a unique product. There are great opportunities in food production, and with systematic innovation in the raw material and product development, the value added can be multiplied.

This exhibition space takes place at Klapparstígur 33 in Reykjavík. Press release: Dating with farmers.

See more at and (website opens on Saturday).

However, Matís is participating in Design March in an exhibition of the results of the university course.Eco-friendly food innovation” (EcoTrophelia Iceland).

EcoTrophelia is competing for the title of the most delicious, original and environmentally friendly food in 2012. The competition and exhibition are held within the framework of DesignMarch and the events take place in the new premises of the Design and Architecture Department of the Iceland Academy of the Arts, Þverholt 11.

The President of Iceland, mr. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson will present a prize in the student competition at a ceremony in the exhibition area on Saturday 24 March at 2.30 pm. The exhibition is open to everyone and here is an advertisement for it.

EcoTrophelia Iceland's goal is to reduce the environmental impact of the Icelandic food industry by creating new environmentally friendly food and beverage products through product development competitions for university students. The Icelandic Innovation Center together with Matís has established a collaboration with five Icelandic universities to organize a master's course in environmentally friendly food innovation. Interdisciplinary teams of students from different schools and specialties are guided through the product development process, from concept to marketable product, with special emphasis on environmental issues and design. At the end of the course, each team has an advanced prototype food product and a complete business and marketing plan. Students can market their product themselves or sell the innovation idea to an existing food company. The course ends with a competition, EcoTrophelia Iceland, between the product ideas, but the winning team will take part in the European competition EcoTrophelia Europe later the same year. In addition to the Iceland Innovation Center and Matís, the competition is run by the Food Development Center - Food for Life and the Confederation of Icelandic Industries.

More information about EcoTrophelia can be found here.