
The best salted fish dish in 2012

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The association Matur-saga-menning (MSM) and Grindavíkurbær are hosting a recipe competition for the best salted fish dish in 2012.

The chefs Sigurvin Gunnarsson and Friðrik V. Karlsson, members of MSM, choose five recipes. You can send recipes by e-mail to no later than March 23.

Winning recipes will be chosen at the end of Grindavík Culture Week March 17 - 25, see more about the varied program at

1st prize is ISK 30,000, 2nd prize ISK 20,000, 3rd prize ISK 10,000, 4th prize ISK 5,000 and 5th prize ISK 5,000.

Winning recipes will be visible on websites and During Culture Week, Salthúsið in Grindavík will offer salted fish dishes

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