
Provides advice on the development of fish feed in Chile

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Jón Árnason, feed scientist and project manager at Matís, has for several years been a member of the development committee of one of Chile's largest fish feed producers, Salmofood SA. The company is majority owned by Icelandic aquaculture companies and produces about 60 thousand tons of feed per year.

The development committee includes representatives of the company that manages its production, two representatives of Nofima in Norway, which is one of the largest companies in the world in the field of fish feed research and education, and Jón, who represents Matís. He says that his participation in this work in Chile is indisputably a great recognition of the knowledge that has been built up in this country in recent years in the development and production of feed for aquaculture.

"It started when I was approached about 10 years ago for participation in this job, but then I worked at Fóðurverksmiðjan Laxá hf. Since then we have met regularly in workshops in Chile and this long time underlines that the company has considered itself to have valuable knowledge for development in its feed production with less experience from Iceland, "says Jón in a conversation, but both the committee has worked with information on fish nutrition. , the composition of the feed and factors related to increased efficiency in feed production.

"Our work has brought about changes that have strengthened this company in competition and thereby strengthened the position of the owners, who are primarily fish producers in Chile. The production there is primarily Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon and rainbow trout, so the feed development must be based on these species, "says Jón, but the development committee usually meets twice a year in Chile and works continuously for a week at a time.

"We review all the latest in feed science, discuss specific issues that may have arisen in the fire or production, review quality issues and we also do a lot of visiting the company's customers in Chile and talking directly with them. In my opinion, participation in this work is very valuable for us at Matís and Icelandic aquaculture. Both to keep up to date with the latest news at the moment, but also to form relationships with parties such as Nofima in Norway. Within the walls of that company, there are leading parties in aquaculture and feed production and it is important to create a good connection with them, "says Jón.

Further information: Jón Árnason