
Courses - internal control and preparation of a quality manual

Service Category:


Matís will be in charge of courses in internal control and the preparation of a quality manual in food companies from the 17th to the 18th. next October

Internal control - 17.10, at 10:00 - 17:00
Internal control is a systematic method of food companies that aims to ensure the safety, quality and hygiene (wholesomeness) of food. All food companies should have internal controls. Internal controls should be able to show what is being done to ensure that the food produced is safe for consumption. In order to be successful, it is important that all employees take an active part in internal control and have an understanding of its purpose, goals and benefits. 

Preparation of a quality manual - 18.10., At 09:00 - 16:00
A quality manual is one of the conditions that manufacturers must meet in order to obtain a production license for their production. Product and production descriptions, hazard analysis and reactions, sampling plans and housing will be covered.
The courses are intended for all those who work in food companies or are interested in such!

The price for each course is ISK 25,000 and will be held in Nýheimar in Höfn in Hornafjörður.

It is pointed out that vocational training funds reimburse the cost of holding courses for individuals and companies up to 75%. See more information about vocational training funds and allocation rules here: – –

For further information and registration call 858-5136 and