
Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvör - important collaboration!

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Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvör is the largest fisheries company in the Westfjords and operates both powerful fishing and fish processing on land, in addition to having achieved considerable success in the development of cod farming. The company benefits from the collaboration with Matís and the proximity to Matís' office in Ísafjörður.

Progress visible in cod farming
"We have benefited from Matís' office in Ísafjörður in recent years in various projects, primarily in terms of processing and aquaculture-related projects," says Kristján Jóakimsson, production and marketing manager at Hraðfrystihúsið

"If we look at the processing component, the projects we have worked on with Matís focus on, for example, the development of new processing methods, processing technology and the development of new products. In cod farming, we have also used Matís' knowledge and facilities to help us, but certainly many more have come to that project with us. Cod farming is a long-running project that is thumbs up and there is no indication other than that it will continue on the same path. We are seeing various positive steps in cod farming and therefore it is possible to talk about progress. However, many factors play a role in the success of this article, such as feeding, breeding, disease, marketing, product development and more. For many of these aspects, we can look to Matís to work with us, "says Kristján.

"The location of Matís' office here in Ísafjörður is important to us and in fact to both parties in such a collaboration. The communication channels are shorter and the results pay off better. And with the proximity of collaborative projects, new surfaces and new ideas are also more likely to emerge. We will therefore continue to use the services of Matís' office, as has been the case. With that reservation
although the uncertainty that has prevailed in the fisheries sector recently has diminished our ability to undertake new research and development projects. That is a fact, "says Kristján Jóakimsson.

For further information Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson Head of Processing, Value Added and Fire.