
Matís is taking a big step towards environmentally friendly and healthy means of transport

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During the spring months, Matís employees were given the opportunity to sign a transport contract which is intended to encourage Matís employees to use environmentally friendly, efficient and healthy means of transport on their way to and from work.

Matís encourages employees to use environmentally friendly and healthy means of transport to travel to and from work. Eco-friendly transport refers to all modes of transport other than traveling to and from work in private cars, such as walking, cycling or traveling by bus.

Matís employees, who travel to and from work in an environmentally friendly way, usually in 60% cases (three days a week), are entitled to Matís transport support from the signing of the contract. Matís pays for bus passes for employees who normally use the bus to and from work. Matís pays the monthly value of a bus pass to employees at the end of each month, who usually cycle or walk to and from work. It should be noted that Matís pays taxi costs in emergencies during working hours, for example due to children's illnesses, for employees who generally use environmentally friendly means of transport.

Matís takes great pride in promoting the health of its employees in various ways, for example, employees can apply for a so-called fitness grant twice a year to the Matís staff association, there is a fitness room at Matís' headquarters and in addition the staff association offers various health-related events every year. Employees are well informed about the importance of exercising regularly and in the Bike to Work 2011 campaign, Matís landed in 3rd place in the number of km.

In addition, a collaboration was recently entered into with Örninn to ensure that the bicycle shop is at the employees 'disposal when it comes to choosing bicycles that are suitable, whether it is for Matís' employee or members of his family. In addition, Örninn will always ensure that employees can buy bicycles and items related to cycling at the best price.

For more information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís and Jón Haukur Arnarson, Matís' human resources manager.