
Matís and the National Association of Small Boat Owners hold courses on catch management for small boat fishermen

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In the next few days, the National Association of Small Boat Owners and Matís will hold courses on improved catch management. Matís' experts will give lectures and present the latest science in the handling of catch, how to handle it so that the highest price is obtained from its sale and consumers are satisfied with the quality.

The catch of small boats is the freshest raw material available, but to ensure even better that the fish processing industry and consumers get the best possible fish, it is important that small boat fishermen know well which factors have the greatest effect on quality.

The catch of small boats weighs heavily in the total catch volume and catch value of the population. Boats in this fishing category, for example, caught over 75 thousand tonnes in the quota year 2009/10 to the value of ISK 19.1 billion, and it is estimated that this catch has returned around ISK 38 billion to the economy in export value.

Due to the fact that the fishing pattern and facilities on board small boats are different from those of larger boats, the main emphases regarding catch management are specific to the small boat fleet. For this reason, Matís and the National Association of Small Boat Owners will run courses around the country where various basic aspects of catch management will be taught. The courses will be in the following places:

  • Reykjavik on Wednesday 13 April at 20:00 at Vínlandsleið 12 (Matís) 
  • Siglufjörður on Thursday 14 April at 17:00 in Allan
  • Hellissandur on Thursday 14 April at 20:00 at Hotel Hellissandur (photo)
  • Bolungarvík on Tuesday 19 April at 20:00 in Félagsheimilið
  • Djúpivogur on Wednesday 20 April at 20:00 in Hótel Framtíð
  •  Other courses advertised later 

The courses are open to everyone and participation is free.

On the site,, various information on catch management that has a special purpose for small boat fishermen will be published, as well as a list of those who have attended the courses.

For further information Jónas R. Viðarsson at Matís.