
The food factory in Flúðir opens in March

Service Category:


In recent months, work has been carried out on the refurbishment of facilities and the acquisition and installation of equipment in Matarsmiðjan's premises in Flúðir. An operating license is also being applied for from the Health Inspectorate of the South.

Operations will then begin in March. The idea with Matvælasmiðjan is to help people with ideas for food production with professional help and facilities. It also learns about the basics of food safety, including setting up internal controls and applying for production licenses for its products to licensors. In this way, it is possible to test ideas for production and market a product without spending a lot of money. The workshop is intended for the processing and production of all kinds of food as well as training for small food producers. There will be facilities and equipment:

  • for drying food
  • for the production of nasal
  • for canning and canning (jam making, food pickling, etc.)
  • wet facilities for handling raw materials (meat, vegetables, etc.)
  • small experimental kitchen (Boiled products)
  • cooler and freezer
  • for packing
  • for education and seminars

Contact will be made with those who have already shown interest in working on their ideas at Matarsmiðjan in Flúðir to discuss and plan the projects. Everyone who is interested in introducing and taking advantage of the advice and facilities at Flúðir is encouraged to contact Matarsmiðjan Vilberg Tryggvason's employee at 8585133 or send him an e-mail to

Matarsmiðjan á Flúðir is in collaboration with the municipalities in the uplands of Árnessýsla, Matís ohf., Háskólafélag Suðurlands and Atvinnuþróunarfélag Suðurlands.

For further information Guðjón Þorkelsson at Matís.