
MAST educational meeting: Internal control of food companies - Matís offers very powerful courses related to this topic

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Matvælastofnun will hold an educational meeting on internal control of food companies on Tuesday 25 January at 15-16. The meeting will discuss good practice and the requirements for internal control of food companies.

The new food legislation places increased emphasis on the responsibility of food producers for their own production. Food companies must ensure that food is produced in conditions that meet the requirements of good practice and that food is safe to consume. With internal control, food companies demonstrate responsibility and internal control is one of the prerequisites for an operating license. Supervisors such as the municipal health inspectorate and the Food Administration must examine the effectiveness of internal inspections in inspection visits. The effectiveness of internal control is one of the factors that is taken into account when determining the frequency of control visits. Food companies can therefore influence control costs through active internal control that covers all of the company's operations.

The educational meeting will review the requirements and good practices that must be followed in the production of food. Examples of good practice and effective internal control will be presented, along with the introduction of a new brochure on internal control.

It is worth mentioning that Matís offers courses for companies for internal control. Information about Matís courses can be found here but also provides Margeir Gissurarson Further information.


  • Dóra S. Gunnarsdóttir, food scientist at the Food Administration
  • Guðjón Gunnarsson, food scientist at the Food Administration
  • Sigrún Guðmundsdóttir, health representative at the Health Inspectorate of the South

It will be possible to follow the educational meeting live on the MAST website under Publication - Educational meetings. A recording will also be published there after the educational meeting.

The educational meeting will be held in the district office of the Food Administration in Reykjavík at Stórhöfði 23. The entrance to the MAST building is on the north side (Grafarvogsmegin).
Everyone welcome!