
Today, the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Jón Bjarnason, received the Matís report on maximizing the catch value of small boats

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The project "Small boats - Maximization of catch value" is supported by the AVS research fund in the fishing industry. In addition to the report, the project's working group has published a brochure and leaflets which have been distributed to all small boaters.

It is also proposed that the project be followed up with seminars.

The catch of small boats has the potential to be the best raw material available, as it is hardly possible to think of a fresher fish than the catch of day-trippers fishing on line or hand gear. Improper handling can, however, have the effect that it is not possible to process the catch into the most valuable products. Often, however, relatively small changes in working methods are required to ensure that the catch of small boats is below the mark as a fish of maximum quality.

Small boats - Maximization of power value

The authors of the report consider three factors:
Firstly, to increase the knowledge of all parties in the value chain of small boat fish. Last Last year, more than a thousand small boats were fished off Iceland, and it should come as no surprise that their knowledge and working methods vary. In addition to what has already been done with the aforementioned publication of brochures, newspaper articles and presentations at meetings, the authors of the report believe that holding seminars among small boat fishermen and others involved will yield the best results. Courses are suggested in selected places around the country and it is desirable that in addition to Matís, the National Association of Small Boat Owners, Matvælastofnun, Fiskistofa and Reiknistofa fiskmarkaður are involved in this project.

Secondly, we need to look at the technical implementation on board small boats. Lack of space on board can to some extent hinder the best possible catch treatment, but this can be improved. It is important that there are perfect facilities on board for bleeding with continuous flow of clean seawater. Emphasis is placed on cooling and that the hearth is not exposed to unnecessary damage, whether during storage or landing. 

Thirdly, the authors of the report point out the importance of seafarers who have a good finish enjoying good quality in the form of higher prices on the market. In this connection, the importance of temperature measurements during landing, sizing and finishing is pointed out. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the best possible traceability and disclosure of information with all catches.

These proposals are in accordance with the report of a working group under the auspices of the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture on improved utilization of catfish, which deals specifically with the utilization of icefish catches. 

The full report can be found here.

Brochures and leaflets related to the project:

Further information on the collaboration can be obtained Jónas R. Viðarsson and Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís.