
Certification of the Icelandic cod stock

Service Category:


Certification in practice - introductory meeting 19 November. The meeting will be held on Friday 19 November from 14-16 in Víkinn Maritime Museum, Grandagarður 8, Reykjavík.

The purpose of the meeting is to present the status of the project on the certification of responsible fishing by Icelanders, practical information related to the certification and its utilization for market purposes. 

14.00 Eggert Benedikt Guðmundsson, CEO of HB Grandi and chairman of the professional council of the fisheries sector at Íslandsstofa
Association for marking and certification
Fee and collection

14.10 Kristján Þórarinsson, vice chairman of the Icelandic Fisheries Association and chairman of the technical committee on responsible fishing
Background and status of certification
Technical implementation of the project

14.30 Mike Platt, Global Trust
Practical information on the implementation of certification and the application process for certification
Chain of Custody Application Process

  Guðný Káradóttir, director of Íslandsstofa
Practical instructions for using the mark of origin, with and without certification
Promotion and marketing

15.10 Inquiries and discussions

Panel: Eggert B. Guðmundsson, Kristján Þórarinsson, Finnur Garðarsson, Guðný Káradóttir and Mike Platt
 Light refreshments will be served at the end of the meeting. Please announce your participation by sending an e-mail to or by phone 511 4000.