
Matís plays a leading role in new multinational projects funded by the EU with the equivalent of ISK 860 million

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Matís plays a leading role in two new and extensive multinational projects that the European Union has decided to support for three years, EcoFishMan and AMYLOMICS.

EU grants amount to a total of 5.5 million euros, equivalent to about 860 million ISK. Of this, Matís' share is a total of 950,000 euros for both projects, equivalent to about 150 million ISK. Matís manages both projects

This means that the EU transfers all funding to Matís, which then pays its domestic and foreign partners. A considerable part of the projects will be carried out at Matís 'offices in the countryside, as they are based, among other things, on Matís' good collaboration with companies all over the country. Master's and doctoral students will work on the projects.  

The European Union expects the EcoFishMan project to develop a new methodology that will be useful for changes and improvements to the Union's fisheries management system. Emphasis is placed on co-operation with fishermen, fishing and processing and on the utilization of information from electronic catch diaries. The aim of the project is to promote environmentally friendly, sustainable and economic management with a special emphasis on traceability and to minimize discards.

That EcoFishMan The project involves a total of 13 institutions, companies and universities in eight European countries, including the University of Iceland and the University of Tromsø in Norway. The project is expected to cost 3.7 million euros over three years and the EU's grant is 3.0 million euros.

  • Dr. Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, division manager at Matís, will be project manager and dr. Sveinn Margeirsson, Matís's division manager, will be with her on the project's science committee.

The AMYLOMICS project will utilize the diverse ecosystems of geothermal areas in Iceland to develop heat-resistant enzymes for use in the starch and sugar industries. Heat and acid resistance are essential properties in such industrial processes, but can be found in the enzymes of organisms in thermal areas.

Among the participants in AMYLOMICS is a French company Rocket Frères, which is one of the largest in Europe in the production of starch and derivatives, with an annual turnover of about 7 billion euros. Roquette Frères will be testing enzymes that will be developed in the project for testing and innovation in its production.

  • Dr. Guðmundur Óli Hreggviðsson, subject manager at Matís, will be project manager. Two other Icelandic companies, directly involved in the project, Roche Nimblegen and Prokazyme.

14 points out of 15 possible in a professional evaluation!

Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís, says that the two projects and the EU's support for them are good news for the Icelandic scientific community and recognition for Matís:

"EU research grants are in great demand and there is a lot of competition for them. EcoFishMan received 14 points out of 15 possible in the opinion of the EU professional committee, which is a great result and returned the project to Matís and partners. With this, we become even more established in international scientific co-operation, and of course it is a special gift for Icelanders to now receive substantial funds into society from abroad during these times of recession and austerity. "

More about EcoFishMan
The European Union's Common Fisheries Policy does not deliver the desired results. Suffice it to say that close to 90% fish stocks in the jurisdiction of EU countries are overfished and a third of the stocks are in danger of extinction because they fail to regenerate. Discards are a major problem, for example it is estimated that 30-55% cod catches from the North Sea are discarded.

One of the goals of the EcoFishMan project is to analyze what has been successful in Icelandic fisheries management and "export". At the same time, there are plans for more co-operation with those who work in fishing and processing in the fishing industry.

Among the Icelandic parties that will be approached for professional knowledge are  Directorate of Fisheries, Association of Fish Processing Plants, National Association of Icelandic Fishermen, Marine Research Institute, Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, National Association of Small Boat Owners and several Icelandic companies that produce technical equipment for the fishing industry, such as TrackwellVaki and Marel.

More about AMYLOMICS
The biotechnology project AMYLOMICS is the idea of Matís' experts and Iceland will largely be its forum. The diversity of geothermal areas in Iceland is unique and Matís has extensive expertise in their ecosystem. The project is based on developing technology to utilize this special Icelandic genetic source, producing enzymes with certain, important properties and exploring possibilities for utilization in various areas of the chemical and food industry.

Among the participants in AMYLOMICS is the French company Rocket Frères, which is one of the largest in Europe in the production of starch and derivatives, with an annual turnover of about 7 billion euros. Roquette Frères will be testing enzymes that will be developed in the project for testing and innovation in its production.

The company Roche Nimblegen also participates in the project and will, in collaboration with Matís, develop and improve methods for obtaining genes from hot springs.      

Further information: Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir CEO, phone 858 5119.