
Reform of the food value chain

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It is important to consider all aspects of the food value chain because each chain is never stronger than its weakest link.

The main results of the project "Reforms in the food value chain" have now been compiled in a report and published on Matís' website and can be found here along with detailed reports on Matís' aspects of the project.

The project was led by the Confederation of Icelandic Industries and carried out in collaboration with Kaupás, Norðlenska, Sláturfélag Suðurlands, the Research Center of the store, Matís and AGR action analysis.

The Technology Development Fund supported the project. The project focused on the process of meat products, which is a rather complex processing and requires both cooling and in some cases heating, throughout the processing process and throughout the store. Nevertheless, the results should be useful in other sectors of food processing.

Food manufacturers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the contents of the report.

Matís has also published three other reports on individual aspects of the project; Product process mapping and product managementThe effect of the cooling chain on the shrinkage of meat together Suggestions for project descriptions for meat refrigeration chains.

For further information, contact Þóra Valsdóttir,