
Graduation of the United Nations Fisheries University

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On Tuesday 9 March. 18 students graduated from the United Nations University of Fisheries and this is the 12th grade to have completed six months of study at the university.

The school is a collaborative project of four institutions / companies: the Marine Research Institute, Matís, the University of Iceland and the University of Akureyri, but in addition Hólaskóli is involved in the collaboration. The day-to-day operation of the school is part of the Marine Research Institute and Tumi Tómasson is the director of the school.  

At Matís, all students at the school have received instruction in the basic course on the quality and processing of fish, and in direct continuation, students at the school's quality line, who this year were five, have received instruction and practical training. Four of these five students have worked on their final projects at Matís in Reykjavík. This year, the projects focused on the design of a quality factor scale (QIM) for mackerel, the effect of sorbates, chitosan on the shelf life of mackerel, teaching materials for the design of a HACCP system for use in the North Korean fishing industry and the installation of a traceability system suitable for China's domestic market. The students usually work on projects with needs in their own home country in mind.

These projects, authors and mentors are listed below.

Quality control in fish handling and fish processing:

Patricia J. Nobre leads Miranda Alfama - Cape Verde

UNU-FTP Project title: Quality Index Method (QIM) for frozen-thawed Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombus) stored in ice: development and application in a shelf life study
Supervisor: Emilia Martinsdóttir, Matís and Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Matís
Specialist line: Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing
Lanlan Pan - China
UNU-FTP Project title: A Model of traceability of fish products for the domestic market in China based on traceability studies in Iceland and China
Supervisor: Margeir Gissurarson, Matís
Specialist line: Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing

Mun Hyok Ho - DPR Korea
UNU-FTP Project title: The effect of dipping treatments on preservation of fish (mackerel) using chitosan, sorbate and acetic acid.
Supervisor: Heiða Pálmadóttir, Matís , Irek Klonowski, Ingibjörg Rósa Þorvaldsdóttir and Páll Steinþórsson, Matís
Specialist line: Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing

Kwang Bok Jo - DPR Korea
UNU-FTP Project title: The understanding of the HACCP and the application method of the HACCP system in DPR of Korea
Supervisor: Margeir Gissurarson, Matís
Specialist line: Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing

Further information about the graduation and the school can be found here