
Matvælamiðstöð Austurlands advertises for projects

Service Category:


In recent months, work has been underway to establish facilities for Matvælamiðstöð Austurlands in Mjólkurstöðin's premises, which was established in the autumn of 2009 and is a joint project of Matís, Þróunarfélag Austurlands, Fljótsdalshérað, Búnaðarfélag Austurlands and Auðhumla.

The idea with Matvælamiðstöðin is to help people with ideas for food production with professional help and facilities. The possibilities are many, you can rent the facilities for production for those who have products but not facilities, you can also get help with facilities for product development. In this way, it is possible to test ideas for production and market a product without spending a lot of money on facilities and obtaining the necessary production licenses. Matvælamiðstöðin has now received an operating license from the East Iceland Health Inspectorate and can therefore take over projects. Two parties have already taken advantage of the facility and are doing well.

Interested parties should contact Hrund at 858 5060 or by sending an e-mail to

More about the Food Center can be found at