
Paolo di Croce, CEO of Terra Madreá, will visit Matís tomorrow

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There are now good guests in Iceland, partly because of the screening of Terra Madre, which is shown at the RIFF film festival. These good guests will visit Matís tomorrow.

These are Paolo di Croce, CEO of Terra Madre and Secretary General of Slow Food International, and Veronica Veneziano, Regional Representative of Slow Food International for the Nordic countries.

Paolo Di Croce sits on the board of Slow Food International internationally. The association has tens of thousands of members and is a dominant force in building gourmet and traditional foods where the aim is to maintain traditions and fight against over-industrialization in the world's food production. The organization also strives to ensure diversity in cultivation and to maintain natural stocks. As a result, there is a great deal of discussion about GMOs, and the organization fights to ensure that genetically modified foods do not eradicate natural strains. 

There are also more specific goals, such as ensuring that cheeses made from unpasteurised milk are not banned by the health authorities. 

During the visit to Matís, employees will be introduced to the company's approaches on how to strengthen small-scale production in Iceland and also to show the unique products we have in this country as well as Matís' results from the work of employees in this field.

For further information, contact Þóra Valsdóttir,