
Announcement from Matís ohf.

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Matís ohf received an announcement yesterday from its webmaster, Hugsmiðjan hf., That unscrupulous foreign parties had broken into the company's website. The purpose was to use the webmail server to send questionable messages to unsuspecting recipients. It is not known how many messages were sent in this way in the name of Matís, nor whether the recipients are in Iceland or abroad. Hugsmiðjan, however, quickly managed to block this illegal activity and immediately switched off the Matísvefs mail server.

On this occasion, Matís would like to apologize if any of the company's customers in Iceland have received unwelcome e-mails where the sender is registered at, even with messy content. Matís regrets this but also hopes that the person in question has realized what was going on, as the content of the shipments is far from everything that Matís stands for.

Measures have been taken in collaboration with Hugsmiðjan to prevent this from happening again, and Matís would like to thank its responsive web hosting company for their quick handling.