
Want to learn from the top scientists? - Matís ohf offers interested students in chemistry or biochemistry a scholarship for a master's degree (MSc)!

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Matís ohf's Chemistry Research Department offers interested students in chemistry or biochemistry a scholarship for a master's degree (MSc) in the field of trace chemical analysis
The title of the project is Analysis of toxic and non-hazardous chemical forms of arsenic in fishmeal by HPLC-ICP-MS

A brief description of the project
There is a lot of arsenic in the ecosystem in organic compounds as well as in inorganic form and more than 50 natural chemical forms of arsenic have been found. Seafood naturally contains a high concentration of the total arsenic compared to, for example, agricultural products. Most arsenic in seafood, on the other hand, is bound in an organic form called arsenobetanide, which is completely safe for humans and animals. As in agricultural products, other forms of arsenic are found in marine products, such as inorganic arsenic (arsenite and arsenate), methylene-arsenic compounds (mono, di, tri and tetra), which are highly toxic and thus dangerous to human health.

The morphology of arsenic in seafood is important because the bioavailability and toxicity of arsenic are highly dependent on its chemical form. Nevertheless, current regulations on the content limits of arsenic in food and feed only take into account the total arsenic in food / feed components and do not take into account the toxic chemical form of arsenic. Research into the chemical forms of arsenic and the transformations of these substances is important for understanding the danger to us posed by arsenic in seafood.

The aim of this research project is to develop chemical analysis methods that can detect both toxic and harmless chemical forms of arsenic in fishmeal and not just the total amount of arsenic as is done today. HPLC-ICP-MS chemical analysis equipment will be used to analyze new and known arsenic forms in fishmeal.

This project recently received a grant from the AVS research fund and will be carried out in collaboration with Síldarvinnslan hf. and Vinnslustöðin hf, in addition to which other fishmeal producers are involved in the project.

Matís & HÍ. There is also a possibility that part of the study will take place at foreign universities and research institutes with which Matís collaborates.

Matís' supervisor is Dr. Sasan Rabieh, who is an expert in this field and leads the development of this new research area at Matís. This structure includes support for students for master's studies in this field. Possibility is
Part of the study should take place at foreign universities and research institutes.

Interested parties are advised to contact us at 422 5112, or