
Matís' future housing in Vatnsmýri

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Yesterday, 3 June, it was agreed at Matís' board meeting to enter into an agreement with Reykjavík University (RU) on the company's future premises. The plot on which the new building will be built stands to the west of the new building of Reykjavík University at Hlíðarfót on the edge of Öskjuhlíð. Vísindagarður Háskóli Íslands ehf and S8 ehf also offered housing for rent, but the above conclusion was reached as RU's bid was the most favorable of the bids received.

The new Matís research and office premises will house the activities that currently take place in three locations in the capital area; at Borgartún 21, at Skúlagata 4 and at Gylfaflöt 5.

As before, Matís will operate its offices in the countryside with an unchanged format, which can be found in Ísafjörður, Sauðárkrókur, Akureyri, Neskaupstaður, Höfn and the Westman Islands. Drawings are already available for the building, which is being prepared by the architectural firm ARKÍS, and the aim of the proposal is to design a specific laboratory that fits all of Matís' areas of work. The building is "flexible in design, with open and bright spaces with good and short connections between spaces and employees that give employees the opportunity for an open and interactive work environment", as stated in data from the architectural firm. The house is entirely intended for Matís and is specially designed for the company's operations.

Matís is very pleased that a conclusion has been reached in the company's searches in recent months for future housing. This is especially true as Matís' management considers it a great advantage to have been able to find the knowledge- and development-oriented company a future place in such a good neighborhood at Reykjavík University as well as the University of Iceland, but Matís has from the beginning emphasized good collaboration with universities here on land and at the company, many university students are currently working on their master's and doctoral projects. There is therefore no doubt that synergies will be there in the short and long term.

Matís' move to this future building, which is planned for the end of 2010, is a cause for celebration and anticipation for all employees, and the new location, in the presence of Vatnsmýri University, will undoubtedly prove to be the company's best place to continue working on its values. initiative, integrity, ambition and creativity.

View drawings of the future housing