
Ísafjörður - Seminar on food-related tourism

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On Saturday 19 April, a seminar on food-related tourism was held in Ísafjörður. The aim of the seminar was to discuss ways to develop food tourism in the Westfjords, which results in an increased number of tourists to the area and the use of local ingredients.

The aim of the symposium was also to gather people interested in this issue from the quarter and get them to start collaborating. Jón Gunnar Schram from Matís in Ísafjörður took the initiative for the seminar, but in addition Ásgerður Þorleifsdóttir from Atvinnuþróunarfélag Vestfjarði worked on the preparation, together with Jóna Símonía Bjarnadóttir, Heimi Hansson and Finnbogi Bernódusson on the preparation committee.

Participants came from all over the Westfjords. Informative presentations were made about the experience from other parts of the country and about the situation in the Westfjords. Matís employees gave three presentations: Þóra Valsdóttir discussed the development of products from local ingredients and food design and Ólafur Reykdal explained the chemical content and uniqueness of Westfjords food.

The meeting was held in Edinburgh House, which is the largest wooden house in the country, but it has been renovated in a fun way.

The picture shows Soffía Gústafsdóttir giving a talk on Westfjords delicatessen sites.