
Minister at Matís meeting: hopes for cod farming

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Aquaculture can be very useful in building an efficient sector in the Icelandic fisheries sector, not least in the fjords in the countryside where there is sufficient space, as stated in the case of Einar K. Guðfinnson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, at an open meeting of Matís on cod farming in Ísafjörður. He says that by accelerating the development of aquaculture in Iceland, it is possible to multiply the production capacity for the industry, create increased employment opportunities in many parts of the country and provide good raw materials for demanding markets. However, he warns of a gold digger mood in connection with the cod farming.

"Fishing is a large part of seafood production and is expanding globally. It is therefore important for us Icelanders to be active participants in research and development in this field. In cod farming research in this country, efforts have been made to delay the sexual maturity of cod as much as possible so that it continues to grow, so that it will be possible to increase efficiency in farming," said the minister. It was also stated in his case that the development of cod farming in Iceland for commercial purposes is a very important but at the same time risky long-term project that requires a concerted effort by public bodies and private companies.

Einar K. Guðfinnsson, Minister of Fisheries.

"At this point, we are at a kind of threshold as far as the cod farm is concerned. We need to make decisions about the future and where to go. Tireless, costly and patient work is behind us. We have learned a lot and now it is time to take the steps forward. Although all the questions have not been answered, we know that there is great potential in cod farming; possibilities that I am not the only one to have high hopes for."

However, the minister pointed out that those who come to fish farming must be careful. "I feel that now I perceive a somewhat similar discussion about cod farming as in the early days of that economic activity. The gold digger mood. She has little right to herself. As before, the cod fishery requires a lot of capital and knowledge that can only be obtained through experience and a scientific approach. People don't build cod farms like a wave of the hand. It requires a completely different way of working and enormous discipline. That's what experience teaches us, and isn't it always the most untrue? In here you can find people with this much experience and knowledge who can handle all of this. It is on the basis of that experience that I think we should build our next steps. And so I believe that the government should support such efforts on the part of the industry itself, where people build on the knowledge that has accumulated within the companies and in our scientific community," said Einar K. Guðfinnsson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture.