
Matís' project manager position in the Westman Islands is vacant

Service Category:


Matís ohf. advertises for a project manager in the Westman Islands. The role of the project manager is to manage and work on projects on behalf of Matís ohf. in the Westman Islands. It is desirable that applicants have a technical or university degree in science or engineering.

Main projects:

- overseeing day-to-day operations, project acquisition and planning

- collaboration with companies and individuals on projects

- work on projects related to research and development in the field of food

- mapping opportunities

- present projects and opportunities in the environment

Applicants must have initiative and independence in working methods, good command of English and Icelandic and agility in human relations. It is desirable that applicants have a technical or university degree in science or engineering.

Applications with information about education and work experience, as well as recommendations are sent to Matís ohf, Skúlagata 4, 101 Reykjavík.

The application deadline is 2 May 2007. It is desirable that the person in question can start work on 1 June 2007.

For further information, please contact Guðjón Þorkelsson,, and Ragnar Jóhannsson,

Matís ohf is a new public limited company owned by the state, which has taken over the operations of the Fisheries Research Institute, Matvælarannsókna Keldnaholt (MATRA) and the Environment Agency's Laboratory. The purpose of the company is to conduct research and innovation in the field of food for the benefit of the economy, public health and food safety.