
Article from IFL for publication in a prestigious scientific journal

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Yesterday, an excerpt from an IFL article will be published on the website, which will soon be published in the prestigious scientific journal Journal of Food Engineering. The article is called Influencing factors on yield, gaping, bruises and nematodes in cod (Gadus morhua) fillets.  

The article is the first to appear in this forum from the doctoral project of Sveinn Margreirsson, who is the main author of the article. The doctoral project is related to a large project Processing forecast, which started at IFL in 2003 and is scheduled to end next year.

The aim of the project is to investigate the main factors that affect the quality and processing utilization of cod catches, and measurements are made in collaboration with fishing companies. The proportion of cod products that have been processed into frozen and fresh fillets is about 45% of the total catch in the Icelandic fishing jurisdiction. Increased knowledge and understanding of the properties of a raw material that can be linked to the value of the product are therefore very important.

 The authors of the article are, apart from Sveinn, Guðmundur R. Jónsson, Sigurjón Arason and Guðjón Þorkelsson. Guðmundur is a professor at Véla and the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Iceland, while the others are IFL employees. In fact, Sigurjón and Guðjón are also associate professors at H.Í.

Read the article