
Dating for value added and innovation in agriculture

Service Category:


Matís, the Farmers' Association of Iceland, the Agricultural University of Iceland and the Agricultural Advisory Center are hosting an event on value added and innovation in agriculture at Hotel Natura, on Wednesday 30 March.

We encourage stakeholders and amateurs to attend and participate in discussions and networking.

More information can be found here: Dating for value added and innovation in agriculture.


  • 13:00 - Gunnar Þorgeirsson sets the meeting and appoints a chairman
  • 13:10 - Birgir Örn Smárason - Matís
    Future and opportunities in agriculture - sustainability and food security
  • 13:30 - Ragnheiður I Þórarinsdóttir - AUI
    Education, infrastructure and research - a prerequisite for increasing value and innovation in agriculture
  • 13:50 - Karvel L. Karvelsson - RML
    A practical approach to farmers' projects
  • 14:10 Coffee break
  • 14: 30– Brainstorming
  • 15:30 - End of meeting

You are most welcome.