
A brief survey of local food systems

You are invited to participate in a research project on local food systems carried out within the European project Cities2030. Cities2030 is funded by the European Union's Horizon2020 programme. It has 41 participants who share a similar vision of how to improve food systems. The survey is developed by the Cities2030 project and coordinated by Ca' Foscari University in Venice (more information can be found at:


The survey aims to identify obstacles and weaknesses of local food systems using a city-region food system approach. As part of this research, we are collecting the opinions of people in many European countries and their experiences with local food systems. The data will be used by the Cities2030 project to develop future recommendations through in-depth research.


The survey is electronic and completely anonymous. Your participation in the survey is voluntary and should take about 10 minutes to complete. You can refuse to participate in the survey or withdraw from it at any time (without penalty). Answering each question is a requirement.

Click here to join.