
Variability of mackerel properties according to season and storage conditions

In recent years, mackerel has increasingly entered Icelandic jurisdiction, but the fish come here in search of food over the summer.

Properties of mackerel according to season
During the time that the mackerel is caught inland from the beginning of June until the autumn, significant changes take place in the chemical composition and properties of mackerel. At the beginning of the season, the muscle fat content is around 7-10%, but in mid-August the ratio is close to 30%. At the same time, the water content decreases while the protein content is relatively stable. After mid-August, the fat content starts to drop again. There is therefore great variability in the quality of raw materials and products at the time the fish is caught inland, which in turn affects which markets products enter.

To begin with, mackerel was used extensively for flour and fish oil processing, but the share of catch frozen for human consumption has increased. It is therefore important to be well aware of the variables that affect the quality of raw materials and the processing properties of the catch. Last year, a project was launched to gather information on variability in mackerel catches caught in Icelandic waters. Samples were collected in collaboration with Icelandic fisheries companies and measurements were made of the chemical composition and quality of the mackerel by season and fishing areas. The fish is a sensitive raw material during the summer, especially in July when there is a lot of food in the fish. Rapid cooling of the catch after fishing and a low temperature (0 to -2 ° C) during storage of the catch is a prerequisite for slowing down the spoilage processes that begin immediately after the death of the fish. The changes in the chemical content of the fish are likely to affect its processing properties and increase release.

In the coming season, further measurements will be undertaken to get a more complete picture of fluctuations in the characteristics of the catch. Seasonal fluctuations are fairly easy to estimate, but the effect of different fishing areas is different, as the fish move quickly due to foraging. In addition, weather conditions and other factors can cause variability between years. 

Participants in the project are Síldarvinnslan hf, Ísfélag Vestmannaeyja hf, HB Grandi hf, Vinnslustöðin hf, Eskja hf, Skinney – Þinganes hf, Samherji hf, Gjögur hf, Loðnuvinnslan hf, Huginn ehf and Matís ohf.

The project is funded by AVS and lasts for 1 year. For more information Sigurjón ArasonÁsbjörn Jónsson and Kristín Anna Þórarinsdóttir at Matís.


New booklet from Matís on the safety of Icelandic seafood

The booklet "Valuable facts about Icelandic seafood" has been published and contains important information about the 10 most valuable fish species that Icelanders catch.

The brochure should not be missed by anyone who sells Icelandic seafood, as the figures in the brochure show so much that Icelandic seafood is clean and unpolluted.

The booklet "Valuable facts about Icelandic seafood" can be found here.

For further information Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir.


Matís is taking a big step towards environmentally friendly and healthy means of transport

During the spring months, Matís employees were given the opportunity to sign a transport contract which is intended to encourage Matís employees to use environmentally friendly, efficient and healthy means of transport on their way to and from work.

Matís encourages employees to use environmentally friendly and healthy means of transport to travel to and from work. Eco-friendly transport refers to all modes of transport other than traveling to and from work in private cars, such as walking, cycling or traveling by bus.

Matís employees, who travel to and from work in an environmentally friendly way, usually in 60% cases (three days a week), are entitled to Matís transport support from the signing of the contract. Matís pays for bus passes for employees who normally use the bus to and from work. Matís pays the monthly value of a bus pass to employees at the end of each month, who usually cycle or walk to and from work. It should be noted that Matís pays taxi costs in emergencies during working hours, for example due to children's illnesses, for employees who generally use environmentally friendly means of transport.

Matís takes great pride in promoting the health of its employees in various ways, for example, employees can apply for a so-called fitness grant twice a year to the Matís staff association, there is a fitness room at Matís' headquarters and in addition the staff association offers various health-related events every year. Employees are well informed about the importance of exercising regularly and in the Bike to Work 2011 campaign, Matís landed in 3rd place in the number of km.

In addition, a collaboration was recently entered into with Örninn to ensure that the bicycle shop is at the employees 'disposal when it comes to choosing bicycles that are suitable, whether it is for Matís' employee or members of his family. In addition, Örninn will always ensure that employees can buy bicycles and items related to cycling at the best price.

For more information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís and Jón Haukur Arnarson, Matís' human resources manager.


Sailors encouraged to improve cooling

Matvælastofnun and Fiskistofa monitor catch treatment and temperature in landed catch and let fishermen receive instructions from Matís on good cooling and proper catch treatment.

Matvælastofnun (MAST) and Fiskistofa have now started efforts to monitor catch treatment and temperature in landed catch. The first step in ensuring that Icelandic seafood reaches consumers as a high-quality product is that the land that is brought ashore is treated as well as possible. Good and fast cooling plays a key role here.

From the first measurements, cooling seems to be better than it was last year, the average temperature of all measurements is 2.4 degrees, but last year the average temperature in July was 5.3 degrees.

Inspectors from the Directorate of Fisheries and MAST will distribute instructions on cooling and catch treatment provided by Matís ohf. has won. MAST would like to encourage all seafarers to familiarize themselves with these guidelines.

Monitoring of catch management and temperature in landed catches will continue in full force this summer and fishermen are encouraged to build on this good start and further improve cooling and catch management.

Brochures and pamphlets on this subject and other pamphlets and pamphlets that Matís has published can be found here.

See more about the efforts of MAST and the Directorate of Fisheries on the website Matvælastofnun.


Make fish sauce from red

In Seyðisfjörður, experiments are now being made to make fish sauce from red that is otherwise buried. The sauce is an important source of protein for people in Southeast Asia. The following news item appeared on Sjónvarpina recently.

In Brimberg's fish processing plant in Seyðisfjörður, Ufsa is being filleted. The skin, which contains a lot of nutrients and protein, slips away and is not used. But that may change. Matís and Brimberg to experiment. They have chopped red and heated it. Then reagents are added. It's really nothing more than rice and barley. This triggers fermentation and the goal is to create a product that is widely used in Asian cuisine; fish sauce. The species are several depending on what is used, mackerel, herring or red of saithe, cod and haddock. The first fermentation since this winter has been tasted and promises good things. 

Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson Matís's division manager says that fish sauce is an important source of protein, especially in Southeast Asia. "It is estimated that the world fish sauce market was around one million tonnes; One billion liters of fish sauce was produced in the world in 2005. It can be said that there is a considerable market and hopefully we Icelanders can make an assessment of it, "says Arnljótur Bjarki.

The news on RÚV can be found here.


The board of Matís in Skagafjörður

Matís has a lot of activity in Matarkista Skagafjarðar, more specifically in Sauðárkrókur.

Matís' board meeting was recently held in Skagafjörður, as it is not out of the question to hold a board meeting where important activities of the company take place. In addition, Matís' board and employees went around the area, but Matís has its office in Verin in Sauðárkrókur. Jón Eðvald, CEO of FISK, sits on the board of Matís and he clicked a picture of his friends where they were in Reykjar á Reykjaströnd together with Jón Drangeyjarjarl and his men.

Matís Skagafjörður 5.2011
Matís board and employees with good people in Skagafjörður. From left: Helgi Rafn Viggósson,
Dr. Sveinn Margerisson, Dr. Ágústa Guðmundsdóttir, Friðrik Friðriksson, Einar Matthíasson,
Laufey Haraldsdóttir, Arnljótur B. Bergsson, Jón Eiríksson "Drangeyjarjarl", Kristinn Kolbeinsson and
Gísli Svan Einarsson.

Matís Biotechnology Center is located in Sauðárkrókur. Matís' activities at Líftæknismiðjan are multifaceted. First, Matís has set up a specialized laboratory in the field of biotechnology and biochemicals. Secondly, Matís operates a pilot plant in the processing hall of Líftæknismiðjan, where the company Iceprotein ehf. has built up its operations. Finally, Matís' employees at Líftæknismiðjan work with companies in Skagafjörður and NV-land on various improvement and optimization projects.

With Líftæknismiðjan, research facilities have been created with associated processing facilities where scientists and pioneers in biotechnology can develop their products and processing processes in collaboration with Matís. The Biotechnology Center's laboratory is working on measuring the bioactive properties of biomaterials from Icelandic nature. The biotechnology center is open to all Icelanders, and individuals and companies can have facilities there for a shorter period of time for product production. The workshop will be a kind of hatchery for new start-up companies in biotechnology and important in shortening the process from idea to market. The choice of Líftæknismiðjan's location takes into account the local environment that Skagafjörður's food pantry is. The biotechnology center is intended to contribute specialized research facilities, development facilities with production licenses and expertise in future collaborative projects. The Bíftæknismiðjan's processing room includes facilities for protein isolation and drying. The biotechnology center is intended to work in close collaboration with food companies in the country.

Matís' station manager in Sauðárkrókur is Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, Head of Processing, Value Added and Fire.


Do you want to work for a progressive and fun company?

Matís wants to hire an urgent and diligent specialist to work for the company in Reykjavík

Area of work

The job involves overseeing research and chemical analyzes in food and various other chemical research carried out by the company.

Qualification requirements

  • M.Sc. or Ph.D. in chemistry or related disciplines.
  • It is desirable that applicants have work experience in research with a gas mass analyzer or a liquid mass analyzer
  • Initiative and independence in working methods
  • Agility in human relations
  • Ambition to succeed at work

Applications together with information on education and work experience, as well as recommendations, should be sent to Matís ohf., Vínlandsleið 12, 113 Reykjavík or to the e-mail address, marked "Specialist - chemical analysis".

The application deadline is June 27th.

It is desirable that the person in question be able to start work as soon as possible.

For further information, please contact Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, helga.gunnlaugsdottir (at), and by phone 422-5000.

Further information about Matís can be found here.


Rules for the use of the Matís logo on food packaging

There has been a growing trend for companies and individuals who produce, distribute and sell food to collaborate with Matís. It is important that the use of the Matís logo (logos) and other aspects related to Matís is within the framework of the collaboration.

Matís authorizes the use of the logo if the following conditions are met:

  • Matís has been contacted and the use has been approved for the product and packaging in question
  • The Matís label is published with nutritional value labeling or within the framework for such labeling
  • The labeling of nutritional value is in accordance with current regulations and has been prepared or reviewed by Matís
  • All markings on the product's packaging are in accordance with current regulations and Matís has had them inspected in the final version for printing (test copy)

It is possible to allow the following text under nutrition labeling: Matís has studied the nutritional value of the product. Website ( may appear in connection with the Matís logo or information about Matís.

Information on how to obtain the correct version of the Matís logo can be obtained from Matís employees and on the company's website,


Mackerel - fishing and processing

Targeted mackerel fishing in Iceland began in 2007, but in 2009 fishing rights for mackerel were first limited.

In 2006, 232 tonnes were caught, but in 2010 the catch had reached 121,000 tonnes. Initially, a large part of the catch was smelted and at the same time the storage technology and processing have been developed in the direction of using the catch for human consumption. Mackerel is caught here by land at the time of year when it is most vulnerable to acute fats. In 2010, about 70% of the catch was frozen.

In March 2011, a final report was published from a project that Matís worked on together with Ísfélag Vestmannaeyjar and Huginn ehf. The report is entitled "Fishing, sorting, processing and markets for mackerel caught by pelagic vessels" and was funded by the AVS Fisheries Research Fund. The report discusses fishing and processing of mackerel, equipment needed for mackerel processing for human consumption, handling of catch, measurements of mackerel caught in Icelandic jurisdiction and the market.

Analytical Services
In the summers of 2008 and 2009, mackerel samples were collected from three pelagic vessels. The samples were measured for shape and weight, the samples were gendered and the fat and water content were measured. The following factors in the shape of mackerel were measured: Total length, standard length, head length, bowl length, starlings, width / diameter, height, circumference, weight and sex.


The total length of the mackerel varied somewhat, the smallest fish were 29 cm and the largest 44 cm. By far the largest was mackerel measuring 35-40 cm or 71% of the samples. The lightest mackerel that came with the samples were between 200 and 300 grams, while the heaviest ones weighed over 700 grams. The vast majority of samples were 300 - 600 grams or 84% of the total, then the relative most samples were 400-500 grams or 33%.

The mackerel was head-cut and slashed, so the head length is important when finding the best setting for the head. Of the samples, 92% were with head lengths of 8 and 9 cm. Most samples were 6.0-6.9 cm in height or 57%. The maximum height of the sample was 7.8 cm.

Most samples were 4.0-4.9 cm wide or 53%. Of the samples, 98% were between 4.0 and 5.9 cm wide. The maximum width of the sample was 6.5 cm. A gender analysis revealed that the majority of the catch was 72% and the proportion of females was 28%. The fat content of the samples was 18 - 31%. The water content of the samples was 53 - 63%. The fat-free dry matter content of the samples was 11 - 23%.

Processing vessels processing mackerel need to be specially equipped to ensure the correct handling and processing of delicate raw materials. The first step is a classifier that classifies mackerel from herring. Style classifiers have proven to be good, but they have an adjustable distance between the bands and the fish is therefore classified by diameter.

Combs are used to keep Style sorters separate. When only mackerel is processed from herring-mixed catch, mackerel combs are used and herring then immediately falls onto the conveyor belt, but mackerel later falls onto conveyor belts that transport it for processing, although very small mackerel can be classified with the herring. It is possible to process both mackerel and herring at the same time, and then the combos that keep the sorting channels apart need to be changed. Herring then falls onto the leading conveyor belts which transport it on to processing or into storage tanks, while the mackerel falls onto the rear conveyor belts and from there continues on to processing.

The largest exporters of frozen mackerel, with roe and liver, are Norway and the United Kingdom / Scotland, with a combined turnover of over 60% of the world's export value of mackerel. The largest markets for frozen mackerel are in Japan, Russia, China, Nigeria, Turkey.

When looking at the markets for mackerel caught during the summer, it is clear that the market in Japan is not suitable due to the fat content of the mackerel and the lack of mackerel. The Japanese market is restructuring quality requirements and they have shown great interest in mackerel from Iceland. The mackerel fishing and processing companies have used supercooling on board the vessels and in processing and therefore they have been able to get good mackerel for processing. Different quality requirements for mackerel products are made in the markets. The companies that fish and process mackerel have developed and improved processing methods both on land and at sea to be able to meet the demands of buyers and work their way into new markets. In order to be successful in processing as much of the mackerel as possible for human consumption, there must be good co-operation between producers and buyers on a common understanding of product quality.


Matís in Stykkishólmur this summer

Matís will have employees located in Stykkishólmur this summer ready to assist food producers and parties who want to try their hand at production and product development. 

Matís has placed great emphasis on being in good contact with small and large food producers all over the country and this is part of building a good relationship with food producers in Stykkishólmur and the surrounding area.

Matís is the largest food research company in the country and has employees who have extensive knowledge of food processing and development and can therefore assist anyone who wants to try new products and product development. It is possible to assist with processing experiments and initial production, but no special facilities will be set up in Stykkishólmur at this time, but Matís' facilities elsewhere will be new or facilities existing with potential partners.

There are many things to consider when working on product development or new production is being prepared, so it is important to go over all aspects carefully, from facilities to the market, and it is necessary to have access to good help that Matís employees are willing to provide. We will strive to provide all the assistance needed to make ideas for new products a reality and we are ready to work with both individuals who are taking their first steps and those who have come a long way with their ideas. .

Matís' specialists have worked on many projects with smaller manufacturers in recent years and have gained important knowledge and experience within the company in launching new ideas. We will, of course, accept all ideas in a positive and constructive way and maintain the utmost confidentiality, so please contact us if you have a promising idea and need the help of the best experts.

Stykkishólmsbær has provided us with excellent facilities in Egilshús Aðalgata 3 and the aim is for Matís staff to stay there this summer.

You can contact Pál Gunnar Pálsson, the project manager of the project, by sending an e-mail to or call 422 5102/858 5102.