
HACCP courses

HACCP courses will be held at Matís on the 6th and 7th of February.

This is a detailed two-day course where, among other things, the main dangers in food and the first steps in setting up the HACCP system will be covered.

The course will be held at Matís' premises, Vínlandsleið 12, 6 and 7 February from 9:00 to 16:00 both days.


The South is the heart of vegetable production

At the end of 2012, a decision was made to hire a joint employee with the University Association of the South for the Matís food factory in Flúðir.

Haraldur Hallgrímsson, division manager of Innovation and Consumers, says this is a very important step in the development of the food factory and a sign of its increased value in innovation and the development of food processing in the South.

"The employee of the food factory will map and support the development of food-related studies in the area, gather information about the needs of the companies and work with them, as well as handle the projects that are directly related to the food factory. This fits in very well with the emphasis we have in the food factories and I appreciate that in the South there are very great opportunities for Matís to support progress in food processing. We at Flúðir are at the heart of vegetable production in Iceland and one of the things we are looking at is to utilize experience that we can transfer from the fishing industry to that sector, for example in terms of processing methods, cooling, distribution technology and so on.

I believe that vegetable production will grow in the South in the coming years and we also see opportunities for innovation related to both agriculture and fisheries in the area. The grain farm is an example of this and in this context one can point to the production of the farmers in Þorvaldseyri. Matís' food factory in the South has therefore started well in the first year of operation and we are taking steps to strengthen it even further, "says Haraldur.

For further information Haraldur Hallgrímsson.


Increase in jobs and a high level of education at Matís in Skagafjörður

Matís has an office in Skagafjörður. The so-called Biotechnology Center is located there and the bioactivity of the various substances from the Icelandic sea is studied there.

What is also interesting about the establishment is how high the level of education Matís employees have. Of the five employees who work there, three have a master's degree and two have a doctorate. With such knowledge, it is possible to carry out multifaceted and interesting activities that are important for the local environment and no less for the country as a whole.

Matís' activities at Líftæknismiðjan are multifaceted. First, Matís has set up a specialized laboratory in the field of biotechnology and biochemicals. Secondly, Matís operates a pilot plant in the processing hall of Líftæknismiðjan, where the company Iceprotein ehf. has built up its operations. Finally, Matís' staff at Líftæknismiðjan works with companies in Skagafjörður and NV-landi on various improvement and optimization projects.

With Líftæknismiðjan, research facilities have been created with associated processing facilities where scientists and pioneers in biotechnology can develop their products and processing processes in collaboration with Matís. The Biotechnology Center's laboratory is working on measuring the bioactive properties of biomaterials from Icelandic nature. The biotechnology center is open to all Icelanders, and individuals and companies can have facilities there for a shorter period of time for product production. The workshop will be a kind of hatchery for new start-up companies in biotechnology and important in shortening the process from idea to market. By choosing the location of Líftæknismiðjan, one looks at the local area, which is Skagafjörður's food pantry.

Targeted development of research facilities is taking place at Líftæknismiðja Matís, which is already a participant in extensive multinational collaboration. The biotechnology center is intended to contribute specialized research facilities, development facilities with production licenses and expertise in future collaborative projects. The processing hall of the Biotechnology Center includes facilities for protein isolation and drying. The biotechnology center is intended to work in close collaboration with food companies in the country.

A video of the establishment can be found here.

Matís' station manager in Sauðárkrókur is Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, division manager of Vinnsla, value added and fire.

Matís in Sauðárkrókur:

Háeyri 1, 550 Sauðárkrókur


  • Arnljótur B. Bergsson, M.Sc., division manager, phone 422 5013
  • Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir, PhD, specialist, phone 422 5064
  • Patricia Y. Hamaguchi PhD, Specialist, Phone 422 5041
  • Hilma Eiðsdóttir Bakken, M.Sc., researcher, phone 422 5064
  • Annabelle Vrac, M.Sc., researcher, phone 422 5064


Value creation is the key word - It is important that knowledge becomes a product and values

At Matís, emphasis is placed on utilization and market thinking in all projects and activities of the company, because the rapid dissemination and utilization of knowledge is no less important than the basic research itself when it comes to products on the market.

Matís has great opportunities to implement and market the results of research and development projects, which leads to increased value creation for the Icelandic industries and to prosperity for the public in Iceland.

Value creation is therefore a key word in all of Matís' work, whether it is in collaboration with parties in Iceland or abroad. Here you can see a few examples of projects that Matís has had a role to play and have already returned value to the parties involved in the projects, whether looking at Matís as a company, its employees, customers or owners, ie. of the Icelandic state.


Matís 2012 annual report has been published

Matís' annual report for the operating year 2012 has been published. The report places great emphasis on value creation and how the food and biotechnology industry can be the backbone of sustainable value creation for the Icelandic nation.

It is important that the knowledge becomes a product and a value
At Matís, emphasis is placed on utilization and market thinking in all projects and activities of the company, because the rapid dissemination and utilization of knowledge is no less important than the basic research itself when it comes to products on the market. There are great opportunities for Matís to implement and market the results of research and development projects, which will lead to increased value creation for the Icelandic industries and to prosperity for the public in Iceland.

Value creation is therefore a key word in all of Matís' work, whether it is in collaboration with parties in Iceland or abroad. The annual report shows just a few examples of projects where Matís has played a role and has already returned value to the parties involved in the projects, whether looking at Matís as a company, its employees, customers or owners, ie. the Icelandic state.

The report can be found here.

For further information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís.


Great innovation opportunities in food processing

"In my opinion, the potential for innovation in food processing in Iceland is very great", says Haraldur Hallgrímsson, division manager at Matís.

"This is one of the big industries in Iceland and we are very good at producing first-class food. When we look at the world picture for the future, it is clear that an increasing population calls for more and better food, and with increased prosperity in developing countries, world food prices rise. We Icelanders have all the means to take advantage of the opportunities that come with it and Matís has a lot to contribute to that value creation, "says Haraldur Hallgrímsson, who took over the position of Head of Innovation and Consumers in 2012.

Consumer expectations must be met
According to Haraldur, Matís' strength in service to the food industry is based on many things. Production and technical knowledge, consulting on product and raw material handling, transport technology, consulting on product development, packaging, marketing, assistance with financing innovation projects and much more.

"In this area, we work to support the market-driven value chain of the Icelandic food industry by always thinking first about the market, defining and researching consumer expectations and wishes. Then we go to the manufacturers and help them meet these expectations. It is the basis for a successful product that is popular in the market, "says Haraldur, whose field is the Matís division, which works most with pioneers in food production. Haraldur emphasizes, however, that the division's customers cover the entire flora, from the smallest to the largest.

"All projects and companies have been small in the beginning but have since grown. I am convinced that all over the country there are good innovation ideas in food production that can help get on the right track, develop for the right market and achieve good results. I mean not only production for the domestic market but also for the foreign market. We are far from becoming mass producers who compete on a price basis in anything other than fish, but we do not want to compete on the basis of low wages but on the basis of quality, high technology and strong marketing. As a result, we should look to serve higher-paying specialty markets. There are opportunities there, "says Haraldur.

Most successful to work with locals
The stage includes food factories in Höfn and Flúðir, but the food factory in Höfn has firmly established itself in recent years. Through the food factories, many innovative projects have become a reality related to small-scale production in agriculture, but emphasis will be placed on further strengthening work with entrepreneurs in the fisheries sector in the coming months. In the summer of 2012, Matís opened offices in Grundarfjörður and Patreksfjörður, which Haraldur says underline the company's policy of collaborating with local residents on projects based on regional resources and opportunities.

"Our experience is that it works best when we work together with local people on projects. They will then have more harmony in the local community and the results will be greater and more visible to the people in the areas. Our approach from Matís is to support entrepreneurs and companies in the areas to implement their ideas, "says Haraldur, but in Grundarfjörður the office is located in a building with the Snæfellingar upper secondary school. The aim of the establishment is to support projects based on the utilization of seafood from Breiðafjörður, for example biochemical processing from large algae and the utilization of underutilized raw materials such as fish slag.

With the location of Matís' office in Patreksfjörður, Haraldur says he intends to support the development of aquaculture in the southern Westfjords. "These new offices at Breiðafjörður work closely together. Like the locals, we look at the possibilities of the area as a whole, from Snæfellsnes to the southern part of the Westfjords, "says Haraldur.


Experiments with fish sludge as a soil fertilizer

Slaughter of catfish is no less a fertilizer than cow dung. This is shown by experiments that Matís made in collaboration with Atvinnuþróunarfélag Suðurlands, a fishing company in Þorlákshöfn and Sigurður Ágústsson, a farmer in Birtingarholt in Hrunamannahreppur.

Reportedly Ásbjörn Jónsson, project manager at Matís, experiments have been carried out by Landgræðsla ríkisins with the activity of fish manure as a soil fertilizer in comparison with various types of livestock manure such as horse manure, manure, chicken manure and synthetic fertilizers. According to Ásbjörn, tests carried out on areas without vegetation in Gunnarsholt in the spring of 2010 revealed that the fish log increased vegetation cover considerably compared to many types of organic fertilizer. Last summer, experiments were continued in collaboration with farmer Sigurður in Birtingarholt, but then cultivated fields were compared where on the one hand cow manure was used as fertilizer and on the other hand fish manure. After a two-month sprint, the hay obtained from the experimental fields was examined and the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content were compared, but these are the substances that are most important in organic fertilizers. The results showed that there was much more nitrogen content in hay obtained from plowed fields than from plots where manure was used as fertilizer. However, the phosphorus and potassium contents were similar in these fields.

Ásbjörn says that research on the utilization of fish catches has been carried out by Matís since 2010 and various experiments have been carried out which, among other things, aim to increase the shelf life of the catches, which annually generate around 2400 tonnes of fish catches in Þorlákshöfn. Until now, formic acid has mainly been used to increase the shelf life of fish fillets, but it is expensive and therefore people's eyes have been focused on whether it can be committed with skyrmys, but annually about 3 million liters of it fall at Mjólkurbúi flóamanna in Selfoss and is only part of it utilized. Experiments indicate that skyrmysa can be used to a large extent with formic acid for this purpose.

A similar collaboration has taken place between the Silfurstjörnan fish farm in Öxarfjörður, the University of Akureyri and Matís.


Dried kelp sold out of the country

Among the food companies that have used Matís' expertise is Íslensk bláskel og sjávargróður ehf. in Stykkishólmur.

The company, which was founded in 2007, collects and grows mussels and collects seaweed in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way in several places in Breiðafjörður. "We have had a pleasant collaboration with Matís for several years. There are many very talented scientists with extensive experience that are good to look for, "says Símon Sturluson, one of the owners. He says that it is very important that Matís' knowledge network extends far beyond the rocks so that they do not have the knowledge they need each time, they know where to look for it and can access it.

Following on from the mussel farm, the company has now started experimental exports of dried kelp to Denmark, Norway and Spain. Símon says that the kelp is usually sold dried, as this is by far the best storage method. "The market for kelp products is very large, we consider ourselves to be of high quality and therefore want a good price for our products. That's why we avoid all unnecessary intermediaries and try to sell directly to the restaurants, for example. This is all coming but it happens in the calm heat, "says Símon.


Nordic conference on consumers and sensory evaluation

Every other year, conferences on sensory evaluation and consumer research are held in the Nordic countries, and Matís has taken part in their preparation.

The next conference, which is the 15th in a row, will be held in Helsinki on the 22nd-23rd. May 2013 and is entitled "Innovations in sensory evaluation and how to reach different consumer groups (Novel sensory approaches and Targeting different consumer groups).

The conference is intended for both professionals in the food industry and scientists in this field. The interest and participation of people from both large and small food companies in attending these conferences has steadily increased in recent years, as it is an ideal forum for industry and scientists to meet and establish a communication network in this field. About 100 people are expected, mostly from the Nordic countries.

The topics of the conference this time are innovations in sensory assessment and how to reach different consumer groups such as children, the elderly and those who are health-conscious. Emilía Martinsdóttir, Matís' director, is on the conference's preparation and science committee. She will speak at the conference, which is based on the results of the Nordic project Enrichment of Seafood and is, among other things, carried out in collaboration with the company Grím kokk. Dr. Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, director of Matís, will give a talk on young people's fish consumption and how it can be increased. The conference will also feature presentations on food that appeals to older people, but interest in this issue is growing rapidly in the Nordic countries and in Europe.  

Registration runs until April 19. The conference fee is lower if booked before 31 January 2013. People in the food industry in this country and others who are interested in this topic are encouraged to register their participation as soon as possible. 

Sensory evaluation and sensory evaluation research have long been an important area of expertise at Matís, and the emphasis has increasingly been on consumer research. Matís has participated in many domestic and foreign research projects regarding sensory evaluation and food quality and held various sensory evaluation courses for employees of fish processing companies and other food companies. Matís' staff has also taught sensory assessment and consumer studies at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Iceland and at Fisheries Science at the University of Akureyri. Matís staff also teaches sensory evaluation at the United Nations Fisheries Academy.

Further information Emilia Martinsdóttir at Matís.


Lots of work in biotechnology research

"Matís' biotechnology center in Sauðárkrókur plays an important role in biotechnology research. The concept of biotechnology is increasingly used in discussions about innovation in the economy, and results have already been demonstrated in research projects in the field of biotechnology that have yielded valuable bioactive substances, both for domestic product production and export, "says Dr. Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir, project manager at Matís.

An example of this is the UNA skin products, which are based on the bioactivity of substances from seaweed that originate, for example, in Breiðafjörður. Part of the research on the bubble seaweed took place at Líftæknismiðja Matís in Sauðárkrókur, but the products are manufactured in Reykjavík, so it can be said that the entire development and production process has a contact surface in a large part of the country.

Matís Biotechnology Center is located in one of the most powerful food processing districts in the country, Skagafjörður. There she works alongside companies in the seafood production, meat and dairy industries that have taken advantage of the proximity in collaboration on research projects. An example of this is a project for FISK Seafood that aims to increase the traceability of the company's seafood products. Matís in Sauðárkrókur also has significant collaboration with Hólar University, thus achieving better utilization of both research facilities and an increased common knowledge base in the area.

"The bioactivity of substances is of great value. Research at the Biotechnology Center focuses on the positive effects of fish proteins on blood pressure and the positive effects of seaweed and seaweed substances on blood sugar. When this bioactivity has been demonstrated by research, the value of the bioactive substances multiplies. There is a lot of work to be done, "says Hólmfríður.