
How is your company doing regarding microbiological standards?

In December 2011, Matvælastofnun issued a draft guideline on microbiological criteria based on the provisions of European Regulation (EC / 2073/2005), which has entered into force in Iceland.

It is clear that the guidelines are asking for increased sampling in food production at most food companies in order to verify that the methods used to prevent dangers are yielding the desired results.

Matís runs the largest accredited food laboratory in the country and works with numerous food companies, large and small, around the country. We offer measurements according to the needs of individual companies and can also provide advice and assistance with sampling and the preparation of sampling plans.

Please contact Franklín Georgsson at 422-5000 or 858-5040 or at

Matís employs experts with extensive experience and knowledge in all areas of food production. We can therefore also offer food companies comprehensive services and advice tailored to the needs of each customer. These include services regarding:

  • Interpretation of measurement results with respect to regulatory criteria
  • Consulting and assistance with the installation and maintenance of quality manuals and quality systems
  • Advice on food processing, hazard analysis of processing and minimization of risk during processing and distribution
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection measures and ways to improve

We invite companies to contact Margeir Gissurarson at tel. 422-5000 or 858-5093, but you can also send inquiries to the e-mail address


University Day 2012! New emphases in the master's program in food science

During the university day, Icelanders are invited to visit the country's universities and see and see with their own eyes and ears what is on offer in the schools. The program includes countless events, presentations and events that show science in a colorful and vibrant light.

The University of Iceland offers presentations on numerous study programs. For example, there will be presentations on food science, nutrition and a new master's program in food science. Matís is a participant along with others in the new master's program in food science.

Further information about the new master's program can be found here.

During the university day, visitors can get acquainted with the university's diverse range of courses, both undergraduate and graduate studies, activities and services, visit laboratories, equipment, facilities and premises. There will be scientists and students from all departments of the school answering questions about everything between heaven and earth - or as close as possible. Student counselors give good advice and the multifaceted services and colorful social life that is available to students at the University of Iceland will be introduced.

The University of Iceland presents all studies in Main building, Háskólatorg, Askja and will also have science exhibitions in University Cinema. Háskólabíó will also feature the University of Akureyri, Hólar University, Hólar, the Agricultural University of Iceland, the Iceland Academy of the Arts, Keilir and Nordic universities with a presentation of their studies.

There will also be the nationally famous The bombing rate of the University of Iceland with colorful displays and University of Iceland Science Center will be opened in the lobby of Háskólabíós in a formal way.

Reykjavík University will present its study programs in Nauthólsvík, but the Iceland Academy of the Arts will also be there at the University Cinema.

home page University Day.


Matís Annual Report 2011

Matís 2011 annual report has now been published. Special emphasis was placed on international co-operation in a recent report. of the year

The report can be accessed here.


Winners of a survey on attitudes to health claims

Today, the submitted answers to the survey were reduced and there were a total of five winners, and each one will receive a gift certificate worth ISK. 5000.

Winners are as follows:


Winnings can be visited in the Matís reception at Vínlandsleið 12, 113 Reykjavík between 08-16 every working day.

For further information Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir.


Provides advice on the development of fish feed in Chile

Jón Árnason, feed scientist and project manager at Matís, has for several years been a member of the development committee of one of Chile's largest fish feed producers, Salmofood SA. The company is majority owned by Icelandic aquaculture companies and produces about 60 thousand tons of feed per year.

The development committee includes representatives of the company that manages its production, two representatives of Nofima in Norway, which is one of the largest companies in the world in the field of fish feed research and education, and Jón, who represents Matís. He says that his participation in this work in Chile is indisputably a great recognition of the knowledge that has been built up in this country in recent years in the development and production of feed for aquaculture.

"It started when I was approached about 10 years ago for participation in this job, but then I worked at Fóðurverksmiðjan Laxá hf. Since then we have met regularly in workshops in Chile and this long time underlines that the company has considered itself to have valuable knowledge for development in its feed production with less experience from Iceland, "says Jón in a conversation, but both the committee has worked with information on fish nutrition. , the composition of the feed and factors related to increased efficiency in feed production.

"Our work has brought about changes that have strengthened this company in competition and thereby strengthened the position of the owners, who are primarily fish producers in Chile. The production there is primarily Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon and rainbow trout, so the feed development must be based on these species, "says Jón, but the development committee usually meets twice a year in Chile and works continuously for a week at a time.

"We review all the latest in feed science, discuss specific issues that may have arisen in the fire or production, review quality issues and we also do a lot of visiting the company's customers in Chile and talking directly with them. In my opinion, participation in this work is very valuable for us at Matís and Icelandic aquaculture. Both to keep up to date with the latest news at the moment, but also to form relationships with parties such as Nofima in Norway. Within the walls of that company, there are leading parties in aquaculture and feed production and it is important to create a good connection with them, "says Jón.

Further information: Jón Árnason


Quality management training for students from developing countries

Since the United Nations University's Fisheries University was established in Iceland almost 11 years ago, Matís has been teaching in the university's quality management department. Margeir Gissurarson, Matís' project manager, is in charge of the teaching, which involves many of the company's employees and from different fields.

"There are usually groups of about 20 people who come to us for quality management studies and some of them then continue their work with us on their final projects which are then related to quality management and processing of fish," says Margeir.

The quality management course at Matís lasts for about five months. The first part is an introduction to the quality, safety and processing of seafood, followed by students' choice of specialties and projects. Supervisors in them then come from Matís.

"Those students who have done well with us often go on to master's and doctoral studies at the University of Iceland or universities in other countries, but these are all students who come from developing countries. The connections that have been created through our work for the United Nations Fisheries Academy are important for both Iceland in the future and our company. After all, Matís has received projects in these countries directly through connections to the United Nations University of Fisheries as well as our former students. Examples include seminars in Uganda and Kenya. There is no doubt that it is a great benefit for Iceland to connect with developing countries in this way in the field of fisheries, because with few exceptions, these students return to public administration positions in their home countries, "says Margeir.

Further information: Margeir Gissurarson


Fishing and processing advice in Tanzania

In the autumn of 2011, Matís signed a contract with the Tanzanian government for a project on Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania. The project is funded by a loan from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) based in Helsinki. The project was put out to tender in the Nordic countries and Matís won the tender.

Lake Tanganyika is one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world, almost 19,000 square kilometers in size. The lake is also the second deepest freshwater in the world, 1500 meters where it is deepest. Four countries border the lake, i.e. Tanzania, Congo, Burundi and Zambia.
Tanzanians fish in Tanganyika, but both fishing and processing are primitive. Matís' project is, among other things, to assist in the development of methods to make better use of the fish and make it more valuable.

Matís has agreed with the Icelandic companies Ráðgarður Skipráðgjöf ehf. and Verkfræðistofa Jóhann Indriðason ehf. (VJI) for part of the project. Ráðgarður will provide advice and oversee the construction of a specialized vessel to be used for research on Tanganyika and fish stocks in the lake, while the VJI engineering office will manage procurement for the project. In addition, Matís has entered into an agreement with the company Goch in Tanzania, which will handle the socio-economic part of the project and communication with fishing communities on Lake Tanganyika.

"This project is a great challenge for us because the conditions there are all very primitive and different from what we know. We thus need to find ways to develop fish processing based on what is available, but we can not afford to have electricity, oil or other energy sources as elsewhere. A big part of the project is then about training and teaching the locals how to handle the fish and we will send people from us who will choose a few villages by the lake and guide the residents. It can therefore be said that part of the project will be carried out here at home and at later stages we will then work according to our plans on site. This will be a very exciting project that we expect to culminate in 2012, "says Oddur Már Gunnarsson, division manager at Matís, who is also the project manager of the Tanzania project. Together with him, Margeir Gissurarson, project manager at the Matís project, manages.

Further information: Oddur Már Gunnarsson


What is the amount of contaminants in food that is on consumers' tables?

On the first of February, a new research project was launched, which is partly funded by the 7th Research Program of the European Union.

The title of the project in English is "Total Diet Study Exposure" which is translated into Icelandic as "A study of the total consumption of contaminants from food". Matís manages one of the 11 projects in the project and participates in a total of five projects

The project will develop methods to estimate how much people get from unwanted contaminants from food as they are on consumers' tables. The methods will then be used to measure how much people get from food contaminants in several European countries, including Iceland.

This project provides an excellent opportunity for coordinated research on the consumption of foreign substances in Iceland and in several other European countries. Matís conducts research on foreign substances and food safety. The project will be important to strengthen this area and promote increased food security in Iceland. The aim of the project is to conduct coordinated research on the consumption of undesirable contaminants in food in Europe.

In order to carry out harmonized research, the methods used for food sampling, measurement of contaminants in food, quality assessment of data, etc. must be harmonized. The intention is to test different methods that have been used in Europe and to define the best procedures for the research. It will also summarize which contaminants and foods are most important in assessing the total consumption of undesirable substances in the diet of Europeans, but such information is a key factor in making a risk assessment for the consumption of these substances and assessing their impact on human health.

The study of the total consumption of contaminants allows us to get a real estimate of how much we are exposed to unwanted contaminants such as heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, fungal toxins and other contaminants from food as we eat them, ie fried, boiled, grilled, smoked, smoked, smoked. .

Key information for the project:
Matís total project cost: € 631,169, of which EU grant: € 497,997
Total grant amount of the EU project: € 5,967,951
Number of participants: 26 from 18 different countries

Further information: Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir


Matís at the Future Days of the Universities 2012

The Future Days of the Universities 2012 will be held on February 1 in Sólinn at Reykjavík University between 11-16

As before, high participation among students can be expected this year. Framadagar is therefore an ideal platform for companies to reach the future workforce of the nation by introducing themselves and their activities and thus gain a certain advantage over competitors in the race for the most qualified staff.

As usual, Matís will have a large booth and will present his activities throughout the day. Framadaga brochure 2012 can be found on the Framadaga website,, but there are some fun commercials from Matís.

Further information can be found at and with Jón Haukur Arnarson, or Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson,

About Framadaga

Framadagar is an annual event in university life where the 35 main companies in the country present their activities to university students. At Framadögur, each company will have a booth where you can get information about the company and get to know its employees. A number of mini-lectures will be held during the day, teachers from UI and RU will compete in a quiz and various other fun things!

The goal of Framadaga is for university students to get to know companies and thereby increase the chances of summer work, future work or project work for companies. At the same time, the company gets to know potential employees, whether they are summer employees or future employees. A real date for students and companies.

The bus run by Framadaga Háskólinn will run between UI and RU from 10: 45-16: 15 and will be available to everyone and there is no charge during this time.


Chef / cook

Matís wants to hire a cook to work in the staff canteen at Vínlandsleið 12 in Reykjavík.

Area of work

The job involves working in parallel with Matís' cooking to oversee the canteen, which serves breakfast and lunch that is cooked from scratch. Matís places great emphasis on the production of varied, fresh and healthy dishes for staff and guests, but at Matís' headquarters in Reykjavík there are approx. 100 people. Working hours are 8:00 - 14:30.

Qualification requirements

  • Education in the field of cooking and / or very good knowledge of diverse cuisine
  • Experience of cooking in a large kitchen / canteen
  • Neatness and punctuality
  • Initiative and independence in working methods
  • Agility in human relations
  • Ambition to succeed at work
  • Innovation and willingness to develop in work

For further information, please contact Jón H. Arnarson, Human Resources Manager, tel. 422-5000, e-mail: 

The application deadline is August 31, 2014.

Application processing:
All applications are treated as confidential. All applications for advertised jobs will be answered once the job has been hired. General applications are answered within 7 days and are stored for six months. Applicants are asked to resubmit general applications after six months if they wish to remain on the register.