
New leaflet about Matarsmiðja Matís in Flúðir

It is called a food factory when a facility for various food processing has been prepared, which has received a permit from the competent authorities for the operation.

The facilities can vary from one workshop to another, but what they all have in common is that there is a wide range of food processing equipment and tools and other facilities that the processing requires. Users receive training on the equipment and free access to the production of the products that are possible with regard to facilities and equipment and issued licenses by the health authorities.

The food factories regularly hold courses on the production and processing of various products as well as courses on internal control. Matís food factories are on Flúðum and on Harbor in Hornafjörður.

Further information about Matarsmiðjan á Flúðir can be found in a new brochure here.

Further information about Matís' establishments and Matarsmiðjur can be found here.


New Nordic food - Seaweed and kelp in food

Last week, a meeting was held in Copenhagen on the possibility of using seaweed and kelp in food, within the New Nordic Food project. Food algae is an underutilized resource in the Arctic and great potential for the development of new foods from seaweed and kelp.

Participants included chefs, scientists, seaweed growers and producers from Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Further information about the meeting can be found on the Ny Nordisk Mad website (see here).

For further information Rósa Jónsdóttir at Matís.


A new TV series in the making - Taste the North Atlantic

Matís is a participant in a new TV series that will cover food culture in the North Atlantic area and the cooking of excellent ingredients from this part of the world.

This series has already attracted considerable attention and can be seen in the coverage herehere and here.

For further information, contact Matís Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir.


Matís participates in the festival FULL BORG MATAR

FULL BORG MATAR / Reykjavík Real Food Festival

is a food and harvest festival dedicated to Icelandic food and food culture. Matís participates and invites visitors and pedestrians to come to Matís' headquarters at Vínlandsleið 12 (Grafarholt) on Thursday 15 September. at 14-17 (advertisement).

At Matís' open house, there will be mini-lectures on small-scale food production and on the projects that Matís has undertaken with individuals, such as farmers and companies all over the country. There will also be some companies and entrepreneurs with a presentation of their activities and will offer a "taste" of the products that have been produced. Matís will also open a new website,, which is a universal source of information on everything to do with meat.

Matís has strong operations all over the country and in some places you can find the so-called Matísmiðjar Matís. The facilities can vary from one workshop to another, but what they all have in common is that there is a wide range of food processing equipment and tools and other facilities that the processing requires. Users receive training on the equipment and free access to the production of the products that are possible with regard to facilities and equipment and issued licenses by the health authorities.

The food factories regularly hold courses on the production and processing of various products as well as courses on internal control. Matís food factories are in Flúðir and á Harbor in Hornafjörður.

Further information about Matís' establishments and Matarsmiðjur can be found here.

The festival FULL BORG MATAR will be held for the first time on 14 - 18 September with the hope that it will gain a permanent place in the nation's annual food calendar. There are many opportunities for companies, institutions and NGOs to join the festival, in addition to which most consumers should find something there that tempts the taste buds.

Market, restaurant banquets and open calendar of events
A sale and marketplace for food and refreshments will be offered in the center of Reykjavík, where it will be possible to sell and promote products and services directly to consumers. Restaurants will offer festive menus from Icelandic ingredients during the festival, but the restaurants that are responsible for the best-executed menus will receive special recognition at the end of the festival. Companies, institutions and NGOs can join the festival by setting up events that will be presented in the festival's joint calendar. Emphasis is placed on companies, NGOs and institutions finding a channel for their products and services and that the festival will be both accessible and exciting for consumers. 

The festival is an open forum about everything related to the nation's food and food culture and all ideas are welcome. If you have an idea for an event or topic that would be interesting to link to the festival, please contact us. 

The festival could not be held without the support of partners who have put a lot of help and effort into preparation.

The sponsors of the festival are City of ReykjavíkThe Confederation of Icelandic IndustriesSheepmeat Marketing CouncilIceland Responsible FisheriesGarðyrkjumanna Sales Association and the Icelandic Pig Breeding Association. 

Collaboration and consultation has taken place with a number of individuals, associations and institutions in the preparation of the festival, most notably Íslandsstofa, Samtök Ferðaþjónustan, Beint frá býli, Matís and Matvís association of craftsmen in the food and restaurant industries. 

Project Management Office
The project board's office is located in the premises of Nýsköpun and the Entrepreneurship Center Innovate in Tæknigarður, Dunhaga 5, 107 Reykjavík

Phone: 820 1980; email:

For further information, contact Matís Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing manager.


Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvör - important collaboration!

Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvör is the largest fisheries company in the Westfjords and operates both powerful fishing and fish processing on land, in addition to having achieved considerable success in the development of cod farming. The company benefits from the collaboration with Matís and the proximity to Matís' office in Ísafjörður.

Progress visible in cod farming
"We have benefited from Matís' office in Ísafjörður in recent years in various projects, primarily in terms of processing and aquaculture-related projects," says Kristján Jóakimsson, production and marketing manager at Hraðfrystihúsið

"If we look at the processing component, the projects we have worked on with Matís focus on, for example, the development of new processing methods, processing technology and the development of new products. In cod farming, we have also used Matís' knowledge and facilities to help us, but certainly many more have come to that project with us. Cod farming is a long-running project that is thumbs up and there is no indication other than that it will continue on the same path. We are seeing various positive steps in cod farming and therefore it is possible to talk about progress. However, many factors play a role in the success of this article, such as feeding, breeding, disease, marketing, product development and more. For many of these aspects, we can look to Matís to work with us, "says Kristján.

"The location of Matís' office here in Ísafjörður is important to us and in fact to both parties in such a collaboration. The communication channels are shorter and the results pay off better. And with the proximity of collaborative projects, new surfaces and new ideas are also more likely to emerge. We will therefore continue to use the services of Matís' office, as has been the case. With that reservation
although the uncertainty that has prevailed in the fisheries sector recently has diminished our ability to undertake new research and development projects. That is a fact, "says Kristján Jóakimsson.

For further information Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson Head of Processing, Value Added and Fire.


Matís' transport agreement draws attention

Matís offers its employees a transport contract which means that they are paid to use environmentally friendly means of transport on their way to and from work.

This spring, Matís employees were given the opportunity to sign a transport contract and receive payment from the company for walking, cycling or taking buses to and from work. The company pays the same amount as the bus pass costs per month, whether the employee uses a bus or chooses another environmentally friendly mode of transport.

"The project went really well. Many more people took part in this than we expected. Matís employs about 100 people and about 45 people took part, so this is just a very good participation rate, "said Jón Haukur Arnarsson, human resources manager at Matís.

Jón says that the benefits for the company are various, although the direct financial benefits may not be obvious.
"The main benefit is happy staff and it shows in a variety of ways, for example it is a time saver for people, they have taken out their gym and do not have to go to the gym after they come home. Many studies have shown that sick days are reduced with health promotion and that is a natural benefit for the company, "said Jón Haukur.

Jón Haukur says that transport contracts will continue to be offered at Matís, but the idea originally came from the Ministry for the Environment. Information was received there that since then many other ministries and government agencies have adopted the same approach.

News from

For further information Jón Haukur Arnarsson.


Cod has become fashionable in the country

Sales of cod for domestic consumption are much higher so far this year than in the whole of 2008. Fréttablaðið had fun news about this and an interview with Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir at Matís and with Svein Kjartansson at Fylgifiskar.

The news can be seen by clicking here.

For further information Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir at Matís.


Quality and processing of livestock products - courses by Matís and LBHÍ

The course is about the composition, fatigue, taste quality, peculiarities and properties of raw materials for food processing and products from Icelandic animal husbandry. Taken from national and international research and development materials in recent decades as well as laws and regulations.

At the end of the course, students will have an overview of meat and milk production and the main processing methods and products in Iceland. Also what characterizes them and makes them special based on composition, taste quality and based on traditions and conditions in Iceland. Students will also be familiar with food safety and the management of important control points in production and meat and dairy products. Finally, students will know what it takes to start a small food or home production business and what it takes and how to apply for a health license. They also get an overview of product design, product development, business plan preparation, packaging selection and packaging labeling in connection with small-scale food production based on specialties, local conditions, traditions and culture.

Further information about the course can be found here and at Guðjón Þorkelsson division manager at Matís.


A Nordic conference on consumers and sensory evaluation will be held in Denmark on 5 and 6 October 2011

A Nordic conference on sensory evaluation, held in Iceland in May 2010, will be held in Denmark this time. The conference is primarily intended for professionals and scientists who work with sensory evaluation and consumers, in product development and marketing of consumer products.

The Nordic Workshop in Sensory Science - focus on sensory professionalism
The topic of the conference is professionalism, innovations in the field of sensory evaluation and the use of sensory evaluation in the food industry. Among other things, it will discuss how sensory properties affect the experience, how consumers' choices can be predicted, the use of different rating scales in sensory evaluation and consumer research, processing and new rapid sensory evaluation methods.

Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Matís 'director of sensory evaluation, will give a talk on training people in sensory evaluation, and Emilía Martinsdóttir, Matís' professional director, will be on the conference's preparation and science committee.

More information about the conference can be found on the website Registration takes place until September 1 on the aforementioned website.

Leaflet about the conference is here.


Fagur Fisk cooking shows re-aired

Due to numerous requests, RÚV has now decided to re-air the Edda Award-winning episode Fagur Fiskur, which has enjoyed tremendous popularity recently. winter.

The shows are shown on Sunday evenings at 18:25 on RÚV. You can view the episodes and recipes at