
Very good turnout at Matarsmiðja Matís in Flúðir

Matís' new food factory in Flúðir is fully booked, but there is always room for good ideas, says Vilberg Tryggvason, station manager. Six products are already on the market.

Among the products are several types of delicious spice puree from Kærleikskrásum og kruðeríi, and the jars have all the required markings, as they are made in Matarsmiðjan's kitchen, which is certified for human consumption. The ingredients are also within walking distance of the chef.

RÚV news can be found here.

For further information Vilberg Tryggvason.


A breakthrough in research on salmon in the sea - detailed coverage in Fréttablaðið

Many questions remain unanswered about Icelandic salmon stocks. One of them has been man-made salmon depletion during its stay in the ocean. A revolution in genetic engineering has now brought scientists closer to the answer. Kristin Ólafsson at Matís participates in this research and his doctoral studies will focus on the Icelandic part of this European project.

DNA analysis is used, among other things, in aquaculture to select fish for breeding. This can speed up breeding and increase the conservation of genetic variation. In wild strains, genetic analysis is used to study strains and strain units. These include salmon, cod, lobster, herring, sandeel, ling, etc. species. Genetic analysis can be used in traceability research and species analysis, whether it is eggs, juveniles, fillets from a counter or canned food.

Genetic analysis has been used in human genetics in recent decades, but this technology is now increasingly used in zoology and is especially important in research on wild marine stocks. It is also an important goal to develop phenotypic genetic markers, but good genetic markers are the basis for successful research of this kind.

Matís is the only company in Iceland that has systematically built up genetic analysis of animals.

Fréttablaðið's coverage can be found here.

For further information Kristinn Ólafsson.


Matís with a presentation at Landsmót hestamanna

The excellent Landsmót Hestamanna was held at Vindheimamelar in pleasant weather the week of June 26 - July 3. It is a matter of people that the whole framework has been successful and the choice of horses has been good. Matís gave a presentation at Landsmót where Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir presented, among other things, the genetic analysis of horses and dogs.

Genetic testing of animals is not common in Iceland and Matís is the only company that has systematically built up genetic testing of animals in this country. For example, Matís inherits all the horses for WorldReceived, the original book of the Icelandic horse, but WorldReceived collects information about Icelandic horses within the countries FEIF (International Association of Icelandic Horse Owners) and they are accessible on the web.

Landsmót 2011

WorldReceived is a joint project of the Icelandic Farmers' Association and FEIF to develop a single and recognized central database on the Icelandic horse anywhere in the world. In the WorldFeng is to find extensive information on the three hundred thousand Icelandic horses and their number is increasing every day. For example, you could find information about pedigree, offspring, breeding judgments, owners, breeders, breeding evaluations, colors, micro-marks and more. WorldFengur also contains about 5,000 photos of breeding horses.

Matís' goal is to use genetic engineering for various types of DNA analysis, such as horse analysis as described above. The projects include genetic analysis of useful and wild strains and data processing, as well as sequencing of the genetic material of organisms and the search for new genetic boundaries and the development of genetic kits.

DNA analysis is used, among other things, in aquaculture to select fish for breeding. This can speed up breeding and increase the conservation of genetic variation. In wild strains, genetic analysis is used to study strains and strain units. These include salmon, cod, lobster, herring, sandeel, ling, etc. species. Genetic analysis can be used in traceability research and species analysis, whether it is eggs, juveniles, fillets from a counter or canned food.

Genetic analysis has been used in human genetics in recent decades, but this technology is now increasingly used in zoology and is especially important in research on wild marine stocks. It is also an important goal to develop phenotypic genetic markers, but good genetic markers are the basis for successful research of this kind.

For further information Anna K. Daníelsdóttir, Head of Security, Environment and Genetics.


The first conference on environmental pollution in Iceland

The first conference on environmental pollution in Iceland was held in Reykjavík last. winter. The aim of the conference was to present the work and results of the main parties working to assess pollution in Iceland. It was emphasized that all monitoring and research parties would contribute to the conference.

The conference was divided into two parts. Before noon, emphasis was placed on monitoring environmental pollution in Icelandic nature. At the end of the lunch, there were presentations of research on pollution in the air, uterus, soil, humans and animals. The arrangement of the conference was that in each section, several presentations from submitted abstracts were selected, with an emphasis on monitoring on the one hand and research on the other. These presentations provided an overview of the state of affairs in Iceland today. Great emphasis was also placed on posters where researchers were given the opportunity to present their projects. Conference guests were given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the various monitoring and research projects on these posters and to discuss the projects in person with researchers during coffee breaks and poster presentations.

A very powerful and interesting conference proceedings were published for this event and the publication can be found here.
The organizing committee of the first conference on environmental pollution in Iceland consisted of the following individuals:

Gunnar Steinn Jónsson Environment Agency,
Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Matís,
Taru Lehtinen HÍ,

The Scientific Committee consisted of: Hrund Ólöf Andradóttir, University of Iceland, Taru Lehtinen, University of Iceland, Kristín Ólafsdóttir, University of Iceland, Gunnar Steinn Jónsson, ICT, Hermann Sveinbjörnsson, Ministry of the Environment, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, Matís, Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, Matís, Hrönn Jörundsdóttir, Matís.


Fisheries Competition 2011

You could be on your way to a Nordic tournament where the total value of the prizes is almost 400 thousand. ISK.

The aim is to hold, for the first time in Iceland, a professional competition in the processing and presentation of fish products in the sales tables of fishmongers and supermarkets. Matís will manage the competition, which is an individual competition. If sufficient participation is achieved, a preliminary competition will be held at the end of August at Matís' headquarters, Vínlandsleið 12 Reykjavík and a final competition in mid-September. The aim is for the winner, together with those who end up in second place, to continue and compete for Iceland in a Nordic professional competition called "Nordic Championship in Seafood“. The winner of that competition will receive the title of Nordic Champion and receive a trophy which he will return a year later. The top three prize winners will receive cash prizes of NOK 10,000, NOK 5,000 and NOK 3,000 as well as certificates of recognition.

The fishmongers in the document below will receive this letter. If you know of a likely participant who is not on this list then please provide information along the way.

All those who consider themselves to have sufficient skills and knowledge of the subject are allowed to participate. Interested parties, please contact Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir, or Óla Þór Hilmarsson,

Further information on the rules of the competition can be found in the document here.


Variability of mackerel properties according to season and storage conditions

In recent years, mackerel has increasingly entered Icelandic jurisdiction, but the fish come here in search of food over the summer.

Properties of mackerel according to season
During the time that the mackerel is caught inland from the beginning of June until the autumn, significant changes take place in the chemical composition and properties of mackerel. At the beginning of the season, the muscle fat content is around 7-10%, but in mid-August the ratio is close to 30%. At the same time, the water content decreases while the protein content is relatively stable. After mid-August, the fat content starts to drop again. There is therefore great variability in the quality of raw materials and products at the time the fish is caught inland, which in turn affects which markets products enter.

To begin with, mackerel was used extensively for flour and fish oil processing, but the share of catch frozen for human consumption has increased. It is therefore important to be well aware of the variables that affect the quality of raw materials and the processing properties of the catch. Last year, a project was launched to gather information on variability in mackerel catches caught in Icelandic waters. Samples were collected in collaboration with Icelandic fisheries companies and measurements were made of the chemical composition and quality of the mackerel by season and fishing areas. The fish is a sensitive raw material during the summer, especially in July when there is a lot of food in the fish. Rapid cooling of the catch after fishing and a low temperature (0 to -2 ° C) during storage of the catch is a prerequisite for slowing down the spoilage processes that begin immediately after the death of the fish. The changes in the chemical content of the fish are likely to affect its processing properties and increase release.

In the coming season, further measurements will be undertaken to get a more complete picture of fluctuations in the characteristics of the catch. Seasonal fluctuations are fairly easy to estimate, but the effect of different fishing areas is different, as the fish move quickly due to foraging. In addition, weather conditions and other factors can cause variability between years. 

Participants in the project are Síldarvinnslan hf, Ísfélag Vestmannaeyja hf, HB Grandi hf, Vinnslustöðin hf, Eskja hf, Skinney – Þinganes hf, Samherji hf, Gjögur hf, Loðnuvinnslan hf, Huginn ehf and Matís ohf.

The project is funded by AVS and lasts for 1 year. For more information Sigurjón ArasonÁsbjörn Jónsson and Kristín Anna Þórarinsdóttir at Matís.


New booklet from Matís on the safety of Icelandic seafood

The booklet "Valuable facts about Icelandic seafood" has been published and contains important information about the 10 most valuable fish species that Icelanders catch.

The brochure should not be missed by anyone who sells Icelandic seafood, as the figures in the brochure show so much that Icelandic seafood is clean and unpolluted.

The booklet "Valuable facts about Icelandic seafood" can be found here.

For further information Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir.


Matís is taking a big step towards environmentally friendly and healthy means of transport

During the spring months, Matís employees were given the opportunity to sign a transport contract which is intended to encourage Matís employees to use environmentally friendly, efficient and healthy means of transport on their way to and from work.

Matís encourages employees to use environmentally friendly and healthy means of transport to travel to and from work. Eco-friendly transport refers to all modes of transport other than traveling to and from work in private cars, such as walking, cycling or traveling by bus.

Matís employees, who travel to and from work in an environmentally friendly way, usually in 60% cases (three days a week), are entitled to Matís transport support from the signing of the contract. Matís pays for bus passes for employees who normally use the bus to and from work. Matís pays the monthly value of a bus pass to employees at the end of each month, who usually cycle or walk to and from work. It should be noted that Matís pays taxi costs in emergencies during working hours, for example due to children's illnesses, for employees who generally use environmentally friendly means of transport.

Matís takes great pride in promoting the health of its employees in various ways, for example, employees can apply for a so-called fitness grant twice a year to the Matís staff association, there is a fitness room at Matís' headquarters and in addition the staff association offers various health-related events every year. Employees are well informed about the importance of exercising regularly and in the Bike to Work 2011 campaign, Matís landed in 3rd place in the number of km.

In addition, a collaboration was recently entered into with Örninn to ensure that the bicycle shop is at the employees 'disposal when it comes to choosing bicycles that are suitable, whether it is for Matís' employee or members of his family. In addition, Örninn will always ensure that employees can buy bicycles and items related to cycling at the best price.

For more information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís and Jón Haukur Arnarson, Matís' human resources manager.


Sailors encouraged to improve cooling

Matvælastofnun and Fiskistofa monitor catch treatment and temperature in landed catch and let fishermen receive instructions from Matís on good cooling and proper catch treatment.

Matvælastofnun (MAST) and Fiskistofa have now started efforts to monitor catch treatment and temperature in landed catch. The first step in ensuring that Icelandic seafood reaches consumers as a high-quality product is that the land that is brought ashore is treated as well as possible. Good and fast cooling plays a key role here.

From the first measurements, cooling seems to be better than it was last year, the average temperature of all measurements is 2.4 degrees, but last year the average temperature in July was 5.3 degrees.

Inspectors from the Directorate of Fisheries and MAST will distribute instructions on cooling and catch treatment provided by Matís ohf. has won. MAST would like to encourage all seafarers to familiarize themselves with these guidelines.

Monitoring of catch management and temperature in landed catches will continue in full force this summer and fishermen are encouraged to build on this good start and further improve cooling and catch management.

Brochures and pamphlets on this subject and other pamphlets and pamphlets that Matís has published can be found here.

See more about the efforts of MAST and the Directorate of Fisheries on the website Matvælastofnun.


Make fish sauce from red

In Seyðisfjörður, experiments are now being made to make fish sauce from red that is otherwise buried. The sauce is an important source of protein for people in Southeast Asia. The following news item appeared on Sjónvarpina recently.

In Brimberg's fish processing plant in Seyðisfjörður, Ufsa is being filleted. The skin, which contains a lot of nutrients and protein, slips away and is not used. But that may change. Matís and Brimberg to experiment. They have chopped red and heated it. Then reagents are added. It's really nothing more than rice and barley. This triggers fermentation and the goal is to create a product that is widely used in Asian cuisine; fish sauce. The species are several depending on what is used, mackerel, herring or red of saithe, cod and haddock. The first fermentation since this winter has been tasted and promises good things. 

Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson Matís's division manager says that fish sauce is an important source of protein, especially in Southeast Asia. "It is estimated that the world fish sauce market was around one million tonnes; One billion liters of fish sauce was produced in the world in 2005. It can be said that there is a considerable market and hopefully we Icelanders can make an assessment of it, "says Arnljótur Bjarki.

The news on RÚV can be found here.