
Do you want to taste salt and seaweed?

This weekend, Búr's food market takes place in Harpan, where there is an opportunity to taste salt, seaweed and other delicious algae. Algae are full of minerals, vitamins and other healthy nutrients that make them nutritionally a good addition to any food. Despite their enormous amount, just within reach, algae are an underused raw material - but that is about to change, say scholars. Algae make all food more interesting!

Algae grow along our shores. They stretch up, down and across and accumulate sea salts and minerals. They provide life and protection for fish, shellfish and other marine organisms but have a limited place in our diet. Many predict that in the near future seaweed will become an everyday food in the Nordic countries. It can also be used in a variety of ways to increase the nutritional value of food while supporting the West's fight against obesity as well as the consequences of malnutrition where it is found.

Baked seaweed

Algae can be cooked in a variety of ways. It is good to mix algae in a smoothie or fry them lightly with sesame seeds, and it can be good to grind them and then strain them over various dishes. Seaweed is a great snack after a while in the oven with a little oil. You can fry chicken in a fireproof dish with a little algae in the water, to give a taste. In desserts with sour cream, some types of algae can be used as a gelling agent such as marine kernels. Algae can also be used as a flavoring in soups and salads, dried and cut into small pieces. Then it is good to put algae in bread, for example salt. It's just a matter of trying it out. Go collect algae yourself or buy at the nearest store. The product selection is getting better and better and recipes can be found in cookbooks or online.

As with other foods, moderation is best. It is important to ensure that algae are cut in clean areas and some types of algae are so rich in iodine that only a small amount of them is needed to exceed the recommended consumption. With it behind the ear, algae are a great ingredient to make our diet healthier.    

A healthy addition to the Nordic kitchen

New Nordic Food, a project of the Nordic Council of Ministers, has emphasized utilization possibilities, as the idea is to use food algae as a healthy addition to the Nordic kitchen. This autumn there will be events in all the Nordic countries where the theme is seaweed as healthy and tasty food (see more here). The aim is to introduce the raw material and encourage the public to use algae for food.

At Maturmarkaður Búrsinn the weekend of 30 - 31 August, there will be a special presentation and sale of food algae. The main manufacturers will be on site to promote their products and ask questions. So, bottom line is that we're really looking forward to it.


Farmed fish could saturate the world

The ever-growing population poses major challenges that the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) draws attention to in the latest issue of SOFIA. It is estimated that the world's population will reach 9.6 billion by 2050. Various production areas have already reached an expansionary level, so new ways must be found to meet the food needs of the growing world.

In the latest issue of SOFIA (The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture), FAO's largest publication, José Graziano da Silva, Executive Director of the FAO, emphasizes the importance of finding ways to address world hunger without compromising food quality. or promote the over-exploitation of resources. He looks closely at the potential of aquaculture and states that there is a potential for aquaculture to play a major role in eradicating hunger, promoting better health and reducing world poverty.

It is estimated that 800 million people are already suffering from famine and this number is likely to increase with increasing population. Areas that have been used for cultivation have in some places reached the tolerance limit, so it is important to strengthen the fishing industry and take advantage of the opportunities there. Fish consumption has increased significantly in recent years, but has been a particularly important source of protein and nutrients in the poorer countries of the world.

Blue economic growth

The large increase in aquaculture in recent years has created employment in areas that have been characterized by poverty and unemployment, but in developing countries fish is often more than half of the export value. In Iceland, aquaculture has contributed to positive rural development in areas that have experienced depopulation in recent years.

In the guide, da Silva also emphasizes that although the aim is to increase food production, it must not affect the earth's resources. Human health and food depend on the health of the earth. It is therefore necessary to promote sustainable fishing and aquaculture and, above all, to promote blue economic growth.

He says that blue economic growth is achieved by promoting sustainable use and conservation of renewable water resources through economically, socially and environmentally friendly methods. Blue economic growth aims to balance and harmonize the priorities that contribute to both growth and conservation and ensure benefits for communities that have a stake in the fisheries sector by maintaining a balance between handicrafts, industrial fishing and aquaculture.

Icelanders see opportunities in aquaculture

Aquaculture is the food industry that has grown the most in recent years and is currently growing faster than the world's population growth. Fish produced in aquaculture has already accounted for about half of the fish consumed in the world and the share of aquaculture is estimated to have reached 62% by 2030.

Aquaculture is a growing industry in Iceland. Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, division manager at Matís, believes, however, that further research and development work is needed to strengthen aquaculture in Iceland. He points out that Icelanders fish around 1-2% of fish caught in the world, but only 0.01% of total fish production.

"There are certainly opportunities for increase here, but ways must be sought to maximize the profitability of aquaculture, for example by developing cheaper feed without compromising the quality of the raw material."

Arnljótur points out, however, that Icelanders should look at quality rather than quantity and thereby aim for a more expensive market. The bioeconomy off the coast of Iceland is fragile and care must be taken not to spoil it.

Arnljótur believes that in the future it can be assumed that fish farming in the west fjords will produce as much if not more fish than is caught in the area today. Iceland can play a major role in the fight against hunger, not only as a food producer but also through research and innovation.


The bridge promotes ingenuity and ability

Since 2012, Matís has laid the foundation for increased collaboration with domestic and foreign educational institutions, which has resulted in various collaborative projects.

Now that the summer holidays of the universities are coming to an end, it is not out of the question to have Guðjón Þorkelsson, director of Matís, chat.

"Matís has had a successful collaboration with educational institutions in recent years, here work a lot of extremely good scientists and in specialists in the field of food science who have been teaching in universities in Iceland and abroad. In 2012, a decision was made to strengthen this collaboration, which we believe has already contributed to value creation in the food industry in Iceland. We place great emphasis on student internships and thus consider ourselves to be preparing individuals to take on real jobs immediately after graduation. "

"We also believe that we are following the emphasis on research and innovation in the field of food for the benefit of the economy, public health and food security. Food science is a fast-growing field and in view of the extent to which it affects the consumer, the demands for excellent education and knowledge are becoming more intense every day. We believe that by connecting education and vocational training, Matís will become a bridge that connects universities and the business community. But it is especially important that these parties work together and use each other's knowledge for development. "

"Another reason why Matís emphasizes co-operation with educational institutions is efficiency in the form of shared use of staff and facilities. In addition, it is very important for Matís and the food companies to get students to work on practical research projects and thus gain training to become the companies' future employees. Matís is a very large research company on an Icelandic scale and here is a great deal of expertise and experience that needs to be utilized in teaching, guidance and vocational training in food processing. We are also fortunate to have first-class facilities in many parts of the country that are also used for the same purpose. "

"Matís staff has given lectures and instructed in practical exercises in 10 BS courses, 4 joint courses for BS and MS students and 10 MS courses in food and nutrition and industrial engineering at the University of Iceland. In addition, many students in master's and doctoral studies at Icelandic universities have worked on their research projects at Matís and almost always collaborate with the business community, "says Guðjón.

"Matís' policy is to strengthen the competitiveness of Icelandic products and the economy, improve public health, ensure food security and sustainable use of the environment through research, innovation and services in the fields of food, biotechnology and genetic engineering. In order to implement its policy, it is necessary for Matís to work in collaboration with the university community on teaching and training students. Matís also seeks to connect its operations and partners with companies, research centers and offices outside Reykjavík. "

"This year, we have taken even more steps in strengthening food science studies in this country with new collaboration agreements with the University of Akureyri and Bifröst University. In Akureyri, emphasis will be placed on further strengthening research and education in fisheries science, food science and biotechnology as well as collaboration in other areas of teaching and research, with the aim of being at the forefront in Iceland in the fields related to fisheries science and biotechnology. The collaboration between Matís and Bifrastar consists of the development of a new study line in food management science, and Matís will mostly be responsible for teaching and developing subjects related to the handling, content and production of food. "


Matís takes part in a cultural night

At Menningarnótt on the 23rd of August, Matís will present new foods that cultural night guests are invited to taste. The innovations are the result of the innovation and product development of the project "Innovation in the Nordic Bioeconomy".

The project is one of the main projects of "Nordbio", which is part of the Icelandic Presidency program, and Iceland currently holds the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The project focuses on innovation in the bioeconomy, including food production and biomass production with sustainability in mind. 

The first part of the project was to assist food producers in the development of new foods. Matís advertised this spring for ideas for innovation in food processing in Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. There was great interest in the fact that almost 80 entrepreneurs applied for assistance and about 40 of them received specialist assistance from Matís in product development. 

Culture Night gives visitors and pedestrians the opportunity to taste the production of two Icelandic entrepreneurs and get acquainted with Nordic co-operation, which is carried out by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs:

Perlubygg (excellent barley for fine cooking) from Móðir Jörð in Vallanes. Chef Sveinn Kjartansson is going to prepare a delicious dish from the pearl barley.

BE juicy (organically certified cabbage powder for juice making) you can taste BE juicy boozt.  

 The presentation will be held at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Rauðarárstígur 25, 4th floor, between 14:00 and 17:00.

The project "Innovation in the Nordic Bioeconomy" produced 30 products, with the aim of developing new food or food-related products in Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland. Innovative projects of this kind strengthen regional economic growth and increase sustainability in food production. Information on all products can be found at Nordtic website.


Matís at Nor-fishing

Matís representatives presented a comparative project on cod fishing and processing at a conference held by Nofima in connection with the fisheries exhibition Nor-fishing which took place in Trondheim from 19-22 August. The exhibition is usually well attended, but on average about 20 thousand people attend it. 

The fisheries exhibition Nor-fishing or Fiskerimesse as the Norwegians call it, took place in Trondheim from 19-22 August. This exhibition takes place in the city every other year and is usually attended by about 20 thousand people. The exhibition has a history of over 50 years and is used by stakeholders in Norway, as well as elsewhere, to present innovations and maintain connections. Several Icelandic companies presented their products at the exhibition, such as Sæplast, 3X, Marel, Skaginn, Polar tow equipment, Hampiðjan, Seigla and Trefjar.  

Matís' representatives did not miss the exhibition and took part in a conference that was part of the exhibition. The Nofima Research Institute hosted the conference and its aim was to present part of the work that has been done in the research program. The cod program

The cod program began in 2011 and will end at the end of 2015, but the total funding for the program is NOK 22 million (almost ISK 410 million). Matís' participation in the conference was about the presentation of a project that Nofima and Matís are currently working on where cod fishing and processing in Norway and Iceland are compared. 

Well over three hundred people attended the conference and the guests were Elisabeth Aspaker, Norwegian Minister of Fisheries. 

For more information


Finance is well managed at Matís ohf.

A great deal of work is put into Matís' operating plan and settlement, and every month the company's board is presented with a plan and detailed operating settlement, so the follow-up is extensive.

Preparatory work for the preparation of the company's operating plan for the coming operating year always begins at the beginning of September. The basic work of the planning takes place in Matís' support areas and is managed by the CFO and the head of operations and information technology. The operating plan is then reviewed with the project managers and reviewed with the division managers before it is submitted to the board.

Matís 'total revenue has grown steadily since its establishment and Matís' total revenue for 2014 was just over ISK 1.4 billion. Most of Matís' revenue comes from foreign co-operation, or more than 40%, based on the operating plan for 2014. Foreign co-operation has increased significantly in recent years and the aim is to continue to do so in the coming years.

A service agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Innovation is an important part of Matís' revenue generation, but its share has been declining since Matís' establishment and the state's funding for Matís' operations has decreased by 30% in real terms since 2010.

Domestic funds, such as AVS and Tækniþróunarsjóður, are also important in Matís' revenue generation, as well as transactions with companies and public entities.

Proportional distribution of income in the years 2007-2013:

The largest expense items, excluding salaries and salary-related expenses and general direct costs for the operation of projects, are the operation of housing and other office and administrative costs.

Matís is in good co-operation with the National Audit Office, which is responsible for auditing Matís' annual accounts. Accounting processes and procedures are being worked on in collaboration with the National Audit Office, and the National Audit Office's comments on Matís' operations have been uncommented recently. years.

For further information Kristinn Kolbeinsson, CFO of Matís.


Data collection on food safety is important to the Icelandic bioeconomy

Matís Laboratory, which is an independent business unit within the Division of Measurement and Communication, provides internationally accredited measurement services, and every year thousands of samples from official regulators and members of the business community are examined for chemical and microbiological factors. Measurements relate to quality and safety measurements for, among other things, the food, feed, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, as well as measurements related to health and environmental issues.

The laboratory is the reference laboratory of Iceland in the field of microbial measurements in shellfish and measurements of Salmonella in food. It is the Ministry of Employment and Innovation that nominates reference laboratories that work in collaboration with other reference laboratories in the European Economic Area. The statutory role and main responsibilities of the Reference Laboratory are diverse and include the coordination of the activities of nominated public research in each country. This includes advice and guidance on measurement methods, participation in the development and verification of measurement methods and the organization of comparative tests. According to plans, the laboratory will also be designated as a reference laboratory in the field of pathogenic E. coli bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus in 2015.

The laboratory is one of the most advanced in the country and can meet the diverse needs of customers with a wide range of accredited measurement methods in many different areas. The laboratory is also very well connected to many foreign laboratories and can mediate measurements that cannot be done in Iceland on favorable terms and fast delivery.

The division has an extensive database with measurement results that benefit customers in analyzing and processing their data, but also researchers and public regulators, as the database is an important long-term source with many processing options for measurement results and other similar data.

The data collection that takes place in the field is particularly important for the bioeconomy, where efforts are made to prevent the consumption of harmful substances and microorganisms by humans and animals. New ideas for product processing and sustainability involve certain risks and challenges, working with new raw materials that were previously classified as waste or were not used at all. In this context, many things are unclear, especially when it comes to requirements for sustainable and organic production, as the opportunities to clean food or apply preservatives are limited. New foods are also needed for research and data, as they may contain previously unknown toxins, as well as the possibility of unhealthy products being mixed with different ingredients.

For further information Franklin Georgsson, division manager.


Icelandic monks and nuns are free to choose their food

This summer, Matís, in collaboration with the National Museum of Iceland, has researched what was possibly eaten in Icelandic monasteries. The study is about examining food scraps in pottery fragments. There is also another collaborative project where samples from archeological excavations are used to check the diet of the settlers. 

Diet within Icelandic monasteries, which numbered around 11 and operated from 1133 until the Reformation, is a research topic that has been little researched and therefore our knowledge of eating habits is scarce. To understand what was eaten in Icelandic monasteries, clay fragments from containers from Skriðuklaustur and Kirkjubæjarklaustur have been examined. Dr. Björn Viðar Aðalbjörnsson An expert at Matís leads the project on behalf of Matís and Ármann Guðmundsson, an archaeologist, on behalf of the National Museum of Iceland. 

Björn says that the research only examines clay fragments from food containers that have been found at the National Museum and have been found in archeological excavations, no other sources are used. This is a technical study. The project is carried out by Mariu Katrín Naumovskaya, a student at the University of Iceland, who received a grant from the Student Innovation Fund for the project.

"Small clay fragments are crushed down and fatty acids are analyzed in gas and mass analysis. The ratios of fatty acids can indicate which food was cooked and served in the utensils and the first results indicate that the diet of monks and nuns in Iceland was varied and possibly more varied than the rules on the diet of monks and nuns stated at the time, "says Björn. 

The excavation in Vogur

"Less is known about the settler's diet. The project has expanded and research has begun on samples from the archaeological research in Vogur in Höfn, which the Archaeological Institute is leading under the direction of Dr. Bjarni F. Einarsson. Soil samples have been taken and fats analyzed in them as in the previous project. The results have given a better view of the settlers' diet and also given clues to the role of a structure that was previously a mystery. "


Bite a piece of borgfirskan at Bræðslan

This weekend, the music festival Bræðslan takes place in Borgarfjörður eystri, where food and culture will be mixed in a fun way in connection with the project "Food and culture in Borgarfjörður eystri". 

The aim of the project was to increase the supply of food at the festival and at the same time strengthen the progress of food from Borgfjörður, and small producers in the area received support for food creation from Matís in connection with the project.

At the festival, guests will have many opportunities to try new and old recipes of Borgfjörður food. Guests at the campsite will be welcomed with home-made lamb on Friday and while Pollapönk plays, kids will be invited to come and grill a variety of "polla bread". The national campaign "Fish Day" ( together with Fiskverkun Kalli Sveins will be in charge of fish tasting at the outdoor market in Fjarðarborg on Saturday. As usual, it will be possible to enjoy all kinds of good dishes at Álfakaffi, Álfheimar and "Já sæll" in Fjarðarborg.

On Saturday, there will also be an open market where locals will present various food crafts and offer for sale.

The project is a collaboration between Matís, Bræðslan, Framfarafélag Borgarfjörður, Fiskverkun Kalli Sveins ehf. and restaurants in Borgarfjörður eystri. Guests of the Smelter are especially encouraged to get acquainted with this innovation and enjoy the food that will be introduced at the festival.  

The smelter's program 


Integrity of European food producers under review

The European Food Integrity project started at the beginning of the year, and is intended to promote the use of research and development to ensure the integrity of European food. Matís participates in the project which aims to develop methods for detecting and preventing fraud in the European food industry.

In the food industry, as elsewhere, integrity is a prerequisite for the consumer to trust the product, but food manufacturers have felt the effects when customers' trust is damaged due to scandal, but many no doubt remember the tragedy that followed the emergence of horsemeat instead of beef in many ready-made dishes. An examination in Iceland has revealed that the descriptions of the contents are not always correct, for example, meat was not detected in beef pies produced in Iceland.

Safety, reliability and quality

The project is led by Fera, the British Food and Environment Research Institute, and is called FoodIntegrity or MatarHeilindi. The project is to ensure that food is in accordance with the description of the ingredients and is in perfect condition, ie that buyers can safely deliver the product they think they are buying. Integrity and trust are key to adding value to a product. By ensuring that the consumer trusts the product, manufacturers and other stakeholders are strengthening their position in the market. 

The integrity of European foodstuffs is constantly threatened by fraudulent labeling or counterfeiting, as the counterfeit food industry continues to grow. The results of the project are intended to be the focus of international co-ordination on the use of research and development to ensure the integrity of European food with the participation of the core group of the project.

Resistance against product fraud

Food Integrity logically coordinates processes within a comprehensive framework to ensure food supply and facilitate the dissemination of information on food integrity stakeholders. Existing databases should be utilized through coordination and a methodology appropriate to the purpose should be implemented, addressing the needs of stakeholders and dealing with gaps left by the research results.

Sustainable arrangements should be put in place for timely warnings of potential product fraud to counteract the growing risk of fraud following fraud. Stakeholders' global co-operation should be initiated to ensure that the results of the project are utilized. Improved verification processes will be developed for quality management of stakeholders in the food industry, the case studies of the project are based on the participation of producers of seafood, beverages and olive oil. A study of consumer attitudes in the light of counterfeits in the European food industry will be carried out. The intention is to establish an independent forum for the verification of the integrity of foodstuffs that may impose authenticity or counterfeiting on the parties seeking it. 

Further information about the project is provided Jónas R. Viðarsson, director of Matís.