
Students in master's studies wanted - scholarship available

Matís, Promens, Thor Ice, Sjávarútvegsklasi Vestfjarði, Eimskip and Samskip are collaborating on a project that involves transporting fresh fish products in pots and boxes and are looking for two students in master's studies or who are on their way to master's studies.

These are two master's projects and the possible scope of both is 30–60 ECTS (one to two semesters). The projects are particularly suitable for master's students in mechanical / industrial engineering, food or business. AVS Fisheries Research Fund ( covers the costs of the master's projects listed below.

Task 1-goal

Economic comparison of different packaging and transport methods for fresh fish products from Iceland to markets in Europe and America. The analysis takes into account the cost of different processing cooling methods, packaging, transport and deterioration of products. An accurate assessment of the volume utilization of refrigerated containers during transport in boxes on the one hand and pots on the other is part of the project.

Task 2-goal

Estimate the optimal amount and type (salt and ice ratio) of an ice scraper in a 340 L food vessel by experiment and / or heat transfer modeling with a target fish temperature of -1.0 ° C. This will be done for two possible cases of ambient temperature in the container transport of containers, i.e. -0.5 ° C and 3 ° C and two possible initial fish temperatures, i.e. 0 ° C and 5 ° C. It also involves finding the minimum amount and ice percentage of ice scrapers that need to be used in pots that are exposed to significant heat stress (higher ambient temperatures).

Working hours: May 2014 – April 2015

For further information, please contact Sigurjón Arason, Professor at the University of Iceland and Matís' Chief Engineer ( and dr. Björn Margeirsson, Research Director of Promens (


Matís with a speech at the consultation meeting of the Food Administration

Matvælastofnun's consultation meeting was held yesterday, but the consultation meeting is a forum for Matvælastofnun, regulators and other customers of the agency to strengthen communication between themselves and present views in an interactive way.

Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, Matís' director at the congress, reviewed product safety and also discussed a new laboratory in Matís' premises, but the opening of the laboratory on Matís' news website is discussed in detail.

Further information about the consultation session can be found on the website of the Food Administration,, but further information about the new laboratory and the Safe Food project can be found on Matís' website,


Safe Food Partners celebrated on Friday

The occasion was the opening of a magnificent laboratory at Vínlandsleið 12 in Reykjavík, which was set up as part of the collaborative project Safe Food.

The Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, was present at the opening, along with the German Ambassador to Iceland, Thomas Hermann Meister, both of whom gave short speeches and formally opened the laboratory with clippings. Ágústa Guðmundsdóttir, who sits on the board of Matís, also gave a good speech about the importance of the research facility for the public, for Icelandic food production and for Matís and how the facility will be used in, among other things, studies in food and nutrition at the University of Iceland.

Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sigurður
Ingi Jóhannsson and the German Ambassador to Iceland,
Thomas Hermann Meister, formally open the facility.

The Safe Food project is intended to ensure food safety and protect Icelandic consumers. The project enables the Icelandic authorities, the Food Administration and the municipal health inspectorate to better enforce legislation on food safety and consumer protection. Safe food is developed in collaboration with Matís, Matvælastofnun, the Ministry of Industry and Innovation, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (LAVES) in Germany.

With the opening of the research facility and with improved equipment, it will be possible to carry out much more measurements domestically than is currently the case, such as measurements of algae toxins in shellfish and measurements of 300 pesticides in food instead of the 60 currently measured.

The Safe Foods project will undoubtedly be a great springboard for Icelandic consumers, regulators and not least for producers and retailers. Consumers want more information about the substances that are and are not in the foods they consume and manufacturers and retailers also want this information to further increase consumer confidence in their products.

For further information Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, director of Matís.


Diagnosis of norovirus infections in Iceland

At Matís, specific methods have been developed to detect noroviruses in food and water, but the viruses are contagious and can cause very severe intestinal infections in humans.

 Noroviruses are found where faecal contamination has occurred and require a more sensitive method to detect them than conventional methods used to detect faecal contamination in food and water.

The methods that Matís has developed for the analysis of noroviruses are molecular biological methods with so-called PCR technology (Polymerase Chain Reaction). The use of PCR methods for microbiological analysis has increased significantly in recent years, but with technology it is now possible to detect the presence of noroviruses in food and water and thus prevent the spread of the viruses. Group infections caused by norovirus can be a serious problem as they occur and it is therefore important to prevent the spread of the virus.

It is mainly foods that are consumed raw or undercooked, such as shellfish, vegetables and fruits, that are a cause for concern in the case of norco-infections. The virus can withstand frost but dies when heated above 60 ° C. Consumption of shellfish has long been considered a major cause of foodborne infections caused by norovirus, and group infections caused by contaminated shellfish are common. However, the number of group infections that have not been attributed to shellfish consumption has focused on other foods, especially prepared foods, fruits, vegetables and drinking water as risk factors.

Apply new analytical methods

"Matís has set up methods for the analysis of noroviruses in drinking water, surface water and food and we can now detect noroviruses of genotypes I and II, but these are the types that mainly infect humans," says Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, division manager at Matís.


An app for sailors to calculate the need for ice - now for Windows phones

As most people who go to sea know, Matís created a special app for smartphones and tablets that makes it easy for fishermen to calculate the need for ice due to catch. The program was presented at the Fisheries Conference in the autumn of 2013.

As stated Matís website then the application was only accessible for smartphones with Android operating system, but now the Windows operating system has been added to the group. ÍsAppi Matís is expected for a smartphone from Apple (iPhone) in the coming weeks.

The ÍsApp or small program is particularly convenient and easy to use and is useful to fishermen to calculate how much ice is needed for the catch. The program takes into account conditions such as sea temperature, air temperature and days at sea, as well as instructions regarding the amount of ice kg issued in addition to the number of shovels and the number of dishes.

Now it has never been easier to find out how much ice cream is needed to get the most out of our precious ingredients.

QR for Matís Ice Calculator | QR for Matís' ice app
Google Play (for Android smartphones) - scan the code

Windows store - scan the code

The program can be accessed at Google Play 


Antioxidants and bioactive substances in seafood

The book "Antioxidants and Functional Components in Aquatic Foods" has been published, but Hörður G. Kristinsson, director of the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemicals and research director Matís, is the editor of the book. In addition, several Matís employees write chapters in the book.

The book discusses antioxidants and other bioactive substances that can be found in marine animals and how such substances can be used for improved health. The impact on the quality of these bioactive substances during storage, production and other factors is discussed in detail.

More information can be found at Wiley's website. Also provides Hörður G. Kristinsson Further information.


All stakeholders are involved in fisheries management

In connection with The EcoFishMan project is an opinion poll among stakeholders in the fisheries sector. The purpose of the survey is to seek the views of all parties involved in fishing in Iceland, whether in management or implementation.

The EcoFishMan project focuses on collaboration with fishermen, fishing and processing and the utilization of information from electronic catch diaries. The aim of the project is to promote environmentally friendly, sustainable and economic management with a special emphasis on traceability and to minimize discards. One of the goals of the EcoFishMan project is to analyze what has been successful in Icelandic fisheries management and pass on that experience. At the same time, there are plans for more co-operation with those who work in fishing and processing in the fishing industry. It is expected that the system will be implemented in stages and tailored to each type of fishery separately. Complete anonymity will be maintained during processing and all data will be handled in accordance with the instructions of the Data Protection Authority. The names of the participants will of course not appear anywhere and care will be taken that it will not be possible to trace any information in the results to individuals.

It is very important that as many people as possible answer the survey, so that the results are as reliable as possible.

The survey can be answered here:


The business exhibition Lífsinn quality and joy 2014

The business exhibition Lífsinn quality and joy 2014 will take place for the third time tomorrow and Sunday and Matís will present her activities together with others from Verin in Sauðárkrókur.

The municipality of Skagafjörður will, in collaboration with Skagafjarðarhraðlestin, SSNV and various parties, hold a business exhibition in Sauðárkrókur at the beginning of Sæluvik, from 26 to 27 April. The decision was made following an informal survey on the frequency of business exhibitions, where there was a strong will to hold the exhibitions every 2 years, as previous exhibitions were held in 2010 and 2012.

See more at website of the Municipality of Skagafjörður.


Prolonged storage of fish has the greatest impact on the quality of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Magnea Guðrún Karlsdóttir, a food scientist, defended her doctoral dissertation, Oxidation processes and the stability of frozen seafood, in the Celebration Hall of the University of Iceland on 21.3. The opponents were dr. Santiago Aubourg professor at CSIC in Spain, and dr. Sigríður Jónsdóttir researcher at the University of Iceland. Supervisors were dr. Hörður G. Kristinsson and exam. Sigurjón Arason.

Consumption of processed and frozen seafood has increased in recent years. Fats in fish products are a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which have been shown to have a positive effect on human health. Fish products with a high percentage of PUFA are extremely sensitive to evolution. Preservation of fat quality is therefore important in the storage and processing of seafood. Freezing and freezing is an effective method of extending the shelf life of fish products, and has been used for many years. Nevertheless, the quality of the products can deteriorate in cold storage. The project was intended to increase understanding of the different oxidation processes that take place in frozen fish products, and to investigate the stability of different fish species during prolonged cold storage. The effect of different storage temperatures on raw material quality and stability of fish products was investigated, as well as the effect of heating and continued freezing of cooked products on the quality of the fat. In addition, various chemical and rapid measurements were often evaluated, which are often used to monitor fat breakdown.

The research of the project led to a clear deeper understanding of the different processes of oxidation and stability of frozen seafood and how different storage conditions and variability of raw materials affect these processes. Temperature and storage time proved to be very important factors for the stability of frozen products. The quality and stability of the fat in the cold store is very dependent on fish species. Prolonged pre-cooking storage also has the greatest effect on post-cooking fat stability.

Magnea Guðrún was born in 1978. She graduated with a BS degree in food science from the University of Iceland in 2008 and an MSc degree in food science in 2010. In addition to her studies, Magnea has worked for Matís ohf. and carried out various research projects.

Magnea's parents are Karl Jóhann Valdimarsson and Erla Þóra Óskarsdóttir. Magneu's husband is Ingvar Júlíus Tryggvason and their children are Ástrós, Erla Ósk, Eva María and Tryggvi.

For further information Magnea Guðrún Karlsdóttir.


Verstöðin Ísland - a consumer option?

Now there's a song. Certainly there are opportunities in unexplored materials that may be economical to isolate from different sources of Icelandic food processing. Making value out of opportunities requires patience, as, for example, Zymetech's relatives have tamed. It is appropriate to focus on further progress in daily activities.

Icelanders are more likely to assert themselves in food production based on quality than on quantity. All the fisheries management that has taken place here is about just over a percentage of the world's legal products, the catch and aquaculture of the world's oceans and freshwater. It is estimated that food waste amounts to ten times the production of legal products. Our contribution is therefore a fraction of what is put on the table among the world's inhabitants.

Responsibility and safety

Image is based on reality. If the image is false, it is an illusion. If people respect the criteria that food processing is about respect for consumers and raw materials and utilization in that processing is about respect for raw materials and the environment, they can sell products that meet the expectations and needs of informed and willing consumers. Icelanders should be able to tell stories, to differentiate their products, which refer to issues such as origin, security of supply, social responsibility, sustainable utilization, safety, food hygiene, traditions and health in a catchy way. There are opportunities to mark Icelandic food uniqueness on the basis of quality and safety, which prompt consumers to buy Icelandic food rather than elsewhere. If consumers are to pay higher prices for Icelandic products than comparable products, Icelandic food producers need to be disciplined, follow rules, meet requirements, comply with laws and meet needs, show perseverance and cultivate patience. Succeeding in the consumer product markets requires a long-term strategy.

All fish should be seen as a raw material for valuable products - the products of processing - and one should avoid belittling those who break new ground because there is room for different products in a diverse economy. The examples show that we need to take action so that we can turn the 21st century into the century in which our dried heads fall into the same special category as Indonesian Luwak coffee; The sea urchin roe from Breiðafjörður acquires easy access to the highest prices in Europe and Japan, at the time when their maturity is right. Do we get Icelandic cod on a similar footing to the rubbed beer-aged beef from Kobe or canned species-specific fish liver compared to foie gras? Will the capelin be like goji berries? Will we succeed in elevating saithe like broccoli? Matís' research has, with support AVS and Rannís Technology Development Fund etc., opened the eyes of fishermen, shipowners, fish processors and fish sellers, for example, because with disciplined work methods on board, good catch handling - including cooling - and cooling during processing, fresh fish products can be brought cold in a foam plastic box. In this way, Icelandic fish processors are able to export fresh fillets by ship. The key is that food that is to be transported fresh out of the country is cold when it is in the packaging, in transport it is an attempt to preserve the condition of the product rather than to improve it.

Just as fishermen strive to make fish bleed before washing and gutting and sorting on board, forklifts can avoid showering fish, if they are forced to do so, they do not have to shower fish from the highest possible position. Is it not possible to publish catch temperature figures in the same way as the catch volume is made public? Can't fish markets offer fish sorted on the basis of quality as well as on the basis of size?

The Icelandic fishing industry is no slouch

According to McKinsey, the Icelandic seafood industry is one of the country's most competitive industries. The Icelandic fishing industry is and has been basic industry in Iceland (and from the Central Bank), as the University of Akureyri assumed when it was founded Department of Fisheries 1990 (and more: Saga HA), from which over two hundred fisheries scientists have graduated.

One way to further increase value is to sell meals instead of foods that are useful in cooking meals. If one hopes for increased profits, one can look at the interplay between utilization and value in connection with market desires. We should look at Icelandic raw materials based on the wishes of the markets rather than measuring the distance from the market based on the raw materials that are available here.

Race is best done with custody in the turmoil of global trade, good strategy returns us to the port rather than pimping herd behavior. Expectations can distort images and jeopardize quality plans.

A strong fishing industry is still below a quarter of the population's standard of living. The fishing industry is an industry that has developed to some extent in line with increased knowledge, and the services provided to companies are fisheries services. The nation can see that the fishing industry is suffering setbacks, we as a nation need to believe that the fishing industry grows and continues to prosper with increased knowledge.

For further information Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, Head of Resources and Products.