
Alfredo Aguilar, Representative of the European Commission, visits Matís

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Dr. Alfredo Aguilar, Executive Director of the biotechnology division of the EU Food Framework Program 7, is currently in Iceland. He has, among other things, visited Matís where he presented the recent framework program. Tuesday.

Dr. Alfredo also received a good introduction to Matís 'operations, especially the biotechnology part of the company's operations, as Matís' operations in this field are at the forefront in the world. Dr. Alfredo also gave a presentation at Rannís on grants from the European Union's 7th Marketing Program for research and innovation in the fields of food, agriculture, fisheries and biotechnology.

Dr. Alfredo Aguilar

He will stay in Iceland over the weekend and will at that time do little for himself and walk on Hvannadalshnúkur with Matís employees, but that trip will start on Saturday 2 May.

Great catch is from Dr. Alfredo to Iceland, as his knowledge of the funding of the European Union's 7th Marketing Program for research and innovation in the fields of food, agriculture, fisheries and especially biotechnology is unique.