
International Fisheries Conference in Ancona, Italy - Matís participates and presents the EcoFishMan project

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An international fisheries conference is currently being held in Ancona, Italy, for the 71st time. Matís participates in these conferences and will present the EcoFishMan project and how to improve the fisheries management system used within the countries of the European Union (EU).

Matís is specially invited to this conference by the Marche Regional Authority in Italy and the purpose is, among other things, to present the Ecofishman multinational project that Matís manages. At the meeting, for example, there will be an open discussion with stakeholders about their involvement in the EcoFishMan project, which is about the development of a new fisheries management system within the EU.

Further information about the project can be found on Matís' websites, e.g. here and here.

Further information about this meeting / conference can be found here.