
Increased utilization and quality of marlin made from by-products

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The project has now been completed at Matís, Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvöra hf. and 3X Technology ehf. which aims to increase the value of catfish catches by developing a process that increases the utilization and quality of marrow made from by-products such as ridges falling from filleting machines and cuttings falling from cosmetic lines.

The main focus of the project is the development and construction of the following units to be able to produce high quality marrow from ridges. The following units / work components are involved:

Spine cutting machine> Marning washing machine> Marning press> Marning packing machine

Description of the marrow system:  The vertebrae are showered on the inner table in front of the spinal cutting machines. The ridges are arranged in the cutting machines, the columns are cut off and extend from the machine into a conveyor belt that transports them away. The trunks fall under the machine and are transported to the crusher, where they are crushed into crusher and bone and debris. The marlin is transferred to the washing drum where it is rinsed and then transferred to the marlin press where it squeezes the water from the marlin. After the press, the idea is that the marrow will have a standard water content (setting on the front of the press). The marlin is then transported by conveyor belt to the marlin packaging machine, where it dispenses the right amount into specially made marlin boxes.

The ultimate goal of the line is to reach the white marrow and thus increase its value.

The whitening of the marrow is obtained by rinsing it vigorously with water in the washing drum and then "squeezing" the water out again in the marrow press.

Increased utilization and quality of marlin made from by-products

The partners of the project are Matís ohf, Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvör hf and 3X Technology ehf.

A report from the project can be found here.

The project was for one year and was funded by AVS ( the research fund.

For further information, please contact Róbert Hafsteinsson,