
Variability in the properties of mackerel

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In recent years, mackerel has been caught in large quantities within Icelandic jurisdiction. Recently, a project was started where knowledge will be gained about variability in the chemical, physical and processing properties of mackerel.

Assessment of variability in mackerel characteristics by season and storage conditions
The aim is to build a knowledge base that will be used to improve the utilization and value of mackerel caught in Icelandic waters.

The warming sea off the coast of Iceland is considered to be the main reason why mackerel is increasingly entering Icelandic jurisdiction. The status of the stock is good and if it is used in the future in a responsible way, it will yield great value. Today, the majority of the catch is used in flour and fish oil processing, but only a small part of the catch is currently used for human consumption. 

Increased knowledge of the condition and processing properties of mackerel according to seasons and fishing areas will be used to establish a more efficient classification of the catch, to improve the handling of the catch and to facilitate decision-making on processing methods. In order to achieve good results in the utilization of mackerel for human consumption on land, it is necessary to apply the correct procedures for fishing, for cooling the catch and for maintaining the storage temperature from fishing until processing begins. An increase in mackerel processing for human consumption will result in increased value compared to flour and fish oil products. 

Participants in the project are Síldarvinnslan hf., Ísfélag Vestmannaeyja hf., HB Grandi hf., Vinnslustöðin hf., Eskja hf., Skinney - Þinganes hf., Samherji hf., Gjögur hf., Loðnuvinnslan hf., Huginn ehf and Matís ohf.

The project is funded by AVS and lasts for 1 year. For further information, please contact Sigurjón Arason,, and Kristín Anna Þórarinsdóttir,, Matís ohf.