
Búnaðarþing 2010 - keynote speech by Sjafn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís

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Búnaðarþing was set up at a solemn ceremony in Bændahöllinn today. Addresses were given by Haraldur Benediktsson, chairman of BÍ, Jón Bjarnason, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Brita Skallerud, one of the two vice-chairmen of the Norwegian farmers' association Norges bondelag, and Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, director of Matís.

An agricultural prize was also awarded, which the residents of the farms Hraun á Skaga and Grænhóll in Ölfus received this time. The folk band of the Music School in Akranes came and won with lively violin tones.

Capacent poll results:
The future of Icelandic agriculture affects people's attitudes towards Iceland's membership of the European Union, with 55.9% Icelanders opposing the country's accession to the European Union and 33.3% in favor of membership. 60% Icelanders say they have no or little trust in the government when it comes to protecting the nation's interests in the application process for Iceland's membership of the European Union. This was stated in a speech by Haraldur Benediktsson, chairman of the Farmers' Association of Iceland, at the inauguration of Búnaðarþing 2010 earlier today, and the title of Búnaðarþing is "Aftur kemur vor í dal".

In his speech, Haraldur presented the results of a recent survey that Capacent conducted for the Farmers' Association. There were five questions in Capacent's questionnaire. The results of the survey underline the importance of Icelandic agriculture and the negative attitude towards Icelanders' membership of the European Union.

The main results of the survey are:

  • 95.7% respondents believe that it is very important that agriculture is practiced in this country in the future.
  • 84.3% believe that it is very important that Icelanders are not dependent on others for agricultural products.
  • 55.9% respondents oppose Iceland's membership of the European Union, 33.3% are in favor of Iceland's membership of the European Union and 10.8% are undecided.
  • 62.8% say that the future of Icelandic agriculture has a large or some effect on its position on Iceland's membership of the European Union.
  • 57.9% respondents say they trust the Icelandic government poorly or not at all to protect the nation's interests in the application process for Iceland's membership of the European Union, only 26.8% say they trust the government well or in full.