
Christian Patermann in Skagafjörður

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Dr. Christian Patermann is on his way back to Matís. Dr. Patermann is considered by many to be "Father" of the bioeconomy in Europe and he will, among other things, take part in a meeting that will be held at Verin in Sauðárkrókur on Thursday 28 May at 16: 00-17: 15.

After short presentations, discussions will take place. Among the participants in the panel are Ásta Pálmadóttir, local director, Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir, managing director of Iceprotein and Friðrik Friðriksson, chairman of the board of Matís.

Everyone welcome! Coffee in a jug!

Let us all attend and take part in a discussion about the opportunities that lie in the bioeconomy for Skagafjörður.

For more information Guðrún Kristín Eiríksdóttir and Eva Kuttner.