
Dr. Shima Barakat, the civil engineer who worked on the construction of the train system in Cairo, is on his way to Iceland

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Guðjón Þorkelsson

Strategic Scientist

Each major event follows Matís | Last week, he was the head of one of the most famous whiskey producers in the world in Iceland for a conference held at Matís' headquarters in Reykjavík. This week is EiT Food Innovation Week and in connection with it, about 20 foreign students and professors related to innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe and beyond will come to Iceland. In addition, about 10 Icelandic students will participate.

One of these professors is Dr. Shima Barakat, who is known for her involvement in the construction of the Cairo train system, has been working on innovation at Cambridge University in the UK for the past few years. It is a great gift to have Dr. Barakat to the country.

EiT Food Innovation Week (EiT Venture Week), will take place in Iceland next week, 12-17. March in connection with Design March. The week is based on students, with support from teachers at the University of Iceland, the Iceland Academy of the Arts, Cambridge University and VTT in Finland, using their knowledge and experience to create new thinking, come up with new ideas and concepts that lead to new solutions when is about utilizing the ocean's resources in a sustainable way. The beginnings are no coincidence, as Icelanders are considered when it comes to the sustainable management of the ocean's resources.

Further information can be obtained from Guðjón Þorkelsson, 858-5044, and Björn Viðar Aðalbjörnsson, 696-2911, but information can also be found on the Innovation Week's website.